8. The new beginning

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The main song of this chapter is "Memories" by Maroon5


I woke up due to the bus coming to a sudden stop. The rays of sun were coming through the window and I felt it's warmth on my face. Peaceful and Warm. Then the reality came crashing down that I ran away from my home, I have to go visit the rental apartment and in just in 3 days I am going to start my new university.

I grabbed my old leather duffle bag and left to go off the bus. The air was cold and buzzing with newfound energy. My ribs were still sore and in a dire need of proper medical treatment. With a huff, I started my journey to the flat as it wasn't too far from here. It took me half an hour to reach the apartment. My legs were about to give up and I was super tired. 

The building was looking great in compared to my own rundown house. Still I was more than happy to have gotten this flat.

I started walking up the stairs as the elevator was broken.

The flat number was B- 12, I knocked on the door, patiently waiting for Heather to open the door. I nervously wrangled my hands together, my social anxiety slowly crawling up. Afraid how my new roommate would react, but all my worries washed away as soon as the door opened and a brunette with a wide smile came hugged me, whooshing the air out of my lungs, my ribs painfully opposed it, being squashed caused a whimper to rise out but I quickly covered it up by faking a cough.

"Heyy you..! Amelia right? OMG! You look so great, Oh I know that we are gonna be besties.....", She paused dramatically and gasped as if forgetting something, "I forgot to invite you in, How rude of me, come on in", chirped Heather with a huge smile on her face, practically vibrating with excitement and looking as if she was holding back a squeal. She was rocking back and forth on her feet, as if containing her urge to hug me again. I smiled internally at that.

"Even you look amazing Heather and yeah I hope we'll be great friends too", I said with a small smile, and I wasn't lying.

She was absolutely gorgeous with her shoulder length brown hair, oval face with perfect tan, round brown eyes and cute button nose. Wearing ripped faded jeans with a crop top on it.

"Let's stop with the formalities, my friends call me Coco, and so will you". She was the ray of rainbow or sunshine that I desperately needed in my dull and depressing life. I smiled at the thought of making my first ever friend.

"Okay Coco, do you need some help unpacking", I asked, staring at the boxes messily laid in the apartment, a few clothes were scattered all over the living room, it looked as if a hurricane had passed over this room.

'Still better that our old home', tutted my consciousness. I agreed to that as I won't have to be living in a constant fear from now, cleaning up the mess of my parents and sister which they oh so graciously spilled.

"Oh no, don't worry, my boyfriend Aaron is gonna help me with that. He's awesome, and I am sure you guys will be great friends, for now let's just go inside and help you get settled in", I nodded, agreeing with her.

She turned around to get inside but the suddenly faced me and eyed the small duffle bag, not with judgemental or tutting eyes, but more like with curiousness, which was not filled with malice by any means.

I knew what she was gonna say, even before she opened her mouth, "Is that all you have? Cause if yes then...let's gonna shopping!", she squealed out the last part, that vibrating smile finding it's way to her face once again. Okayyy...not what I totally expected but sure. The I remembered, I don't have enough money for luxury that is called going to shopping.

A sullen look must have been on my face, showing my inner turmoil. Understanding passed through her face, she smiled gently and said, "But we can shopping some other time, surely you must be tired after the long journey". If I didn't like her before, I definitely do now.

I smiled at her, a thankful and full of relief. She returned the smile, even wider and her eyes passing the message which neither of us said but understood, 'I got you'.

I entered the room, the scent of lavender perfume engulfing me and the warmth from the heater made my face contort into pleasure. I removed my overcoat, draping it on the rack and sat cross legged on the floor.

Heather went into the kitchen and arrived with a plate in each hand, filled with what looked like ramen. My stomach growled as the smell of the delicious food reached my nose. I was embarrassed and a flush crawled on my face. I gave a sheepish smile to her, and she nothing but laughed, waving her hand as if conveying 'It's nothing',

She sat in front of me, mimicking my pose and started eating, she looked at my plate, then at me. I took that as a hint and started devouring my food as I had been hungry for days, which I was, quite literally. The creamy an spicy taste tangled my tongue, enticing a moan from me. Heather looked at me and we both chuckled starting a friendly conversation, asking about each other's likes and dislikes.

After the dinner, we both cleaned up our dishes and collapsed on the air mattress. Heaving out a sigh. We both looked at each other sideways and a contended smile on our faces.

This is the most I have ever smiled in a day. 'Guess she is staring to rub off of me', I thought positively.

"Oka, we are gonna be sleeping her until we go out to buy a new bed, so I'll just bring some pillows.", she said, disappearing inside a room  and came back bearing 4 pillows, all in the different shades of pink.

I raised a brow at her, but said nothing. We laid our heads down, both lost in our own thoughts. After some times my eyes got droopy and the sleep welcomed me.

A/N. how was this chapter? isn't Heather just great? Comment your thoughts in comment box.

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