34. Life's a shitshow

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The main song of this chapter is "Stalker" by Jake Daniels.

3rd person POV

These past few days have been great for Amelia. 

She talked with Victor everyday, he would wait for her by the old creek and they would walk to the school together, they texted back and forth the whole day.

To Amelia she had found another person with whom she was ready to lay her trust on. She believed that every person had goodness beneath them no matter how much darkness surrounds them. 

She even believed that her father was good, yes he was the one who caused her torment, beated her brutally, showed no mercy, but underneath all that he was the person who raised her.

Who taught her how to talk.

Who recorded her first walk.

Who fed her and payed for her schooling.

Her life wasn't always the shitshow that it is now, it was just like any other average girl, but when one day her father came home after getting fired from his office, he picked up the bottle of liquor and drowned his sorrows into that bitter liquid.

One gulp. 

That all it took for their family to shatter. Her mother started to seek for comfort, love and attention from other men, the attention which she should have gotten from her husband.

First it was her depressed heart leading all her actions, but then it contoured into addiction.

She loved and craved the praises and flattery she got every other night.

And her sister? She was spoiled from a very young age. They never got along, even when she was small, Olivia would always try to be better than her, made every single thing a competition and the jealousy which ran through her fueled her fire of hatred.

Soon enough, her family was broken....leaving her to pick up the pieces of their shattered relations.

She was thinking about all of this while sitting in the chair of her balcony, her feet rested on the small table in front of her, with a biology book in her hand. 

She sat there studying, unaware of the eye on her. A man dressed in black hood was standing behind a large oak tree, the grassy and bushy surroundings managed to hide him perfectly. 

He watched her with keen interest, not even taking his eyes off of her for even a second.

His mind was filled with ways to corrupt the innocent angel sitting there, oh how he would love to ravish her, to feel her smooth skin beneath him, trembling with the pleasure he provided her, more images came to his mind.

Images of him painfully and forcefully thrusting inside her.

The sound of her sweet pleadings and moans.

How he would roughly smash his lips against her, swallowing her whimpers and cries to release her.

He wanted to own her. He wanted to go up there and tell her that she was his.

His to touch. His to bleed. His to hurt. And his to kill.

But not yet, No! He had to have patience. The ring of his phone got his attention, he picked up the phone without taking his eyes off of her. His body trembled with a little bit of fear as he saw who was calling him. He gulped and cleared his throat, an attempt to remain strong in front of his caller.

"Y-yes boss?', he mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"Where are you", the gruff and raspy voice said from the other side. 

"At your girl's apartment", it felt like he had to swallow dry rocks to say Amelia, His Amelia, boss's girl.

"Good, send her the photos and then record her reaction. I want to see the fearful look on my mouse's face", he could hear the smirk in his voice. He could practically feel the lust that old man had for Amelia.

A growl threatened to rip put of his chest, but he suppressed it after remembering that, that man could have him dead within 10 minutes, and if he wanted a life with Amelia he had to stay alive.

"On it boss", He ended the call after hearing a grunt of approval from the other side.

He took out his camera and positioned it at Amelia's balcony. For the next 15 minutes he took photos of her. In many different angles from many different directions. 

 He looked at her mesmerized, like an addict looking at cocaine after not having a sniff for hours. 

With a crooked grin, he sent her the photo, the camera beside him already on and zoomed on her face to capture her reaction. He saved the video for himself too, oh what a pleasure it would be to jerk off looking at the tearful face of Amelia. 

Amelia was peacefully revising biology for her upcoming test, her phone pinged alerting her of a message. She took off her eyes from her book and unlocked it, tears of helplessness gathered into her eyes after looking at yet another photo of her from the stalker.

She bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from sobbing right here and then till she tasted a metallic taste of blood fill her mouth.

With trembling hands she wiped her tears and took a deep breaths, willing herself to not cry over this. But it was impossible after seeing that the picture taken was of right now, and from the looks of it the stalker wasn't much far from her.

This time she really did cry, hot and fierce drops of water wetting her cheeks. Heather ran and came out of her room after hearing the cries of her roommate.

She rushed around and reached the balcony only to find her friend sitting on the chair, looking completely broken down. A soft gasp escaped her lips as the tearful eyes met hers.

Her own eyes glistened from unshed tears after looking at the sad, glum and face full of anguish of her best friend. 

She went and kneeled beside her, she held her hand in a tight grip and ran a hand through Amelia's hair as if to comfort her.

"What happened?...hey hey, talk to me...shhh...everything is okay. I am there for you. Yes come on tell me what's bothering you?", she cooed and shushed her when she was on the verge of having another breakdown.

"Someone's s-stalking me....I don't know what to do Coco! Please help me", she said as she threw her arms around her best friend's neck, sobbing uncontrollably in her embrace for the second time in her life.

The two friends laid in each other's hold, taking comfort from it. 

One was terrified while the other was terrified for her.

A/N .This is a shoutout to all my silent readers. Guys I know that reading and scrolling through is fun, but it would be even more great if you interact and share your thoughts. So come-on, abandon your quietness and write what you think about this story so far. I would love to know your opinions....I won't bite.

Unless asked for, Kidding.

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