1. The Arrival

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Olivia looked through the airplane window as she landed in Monaco. This is where she would be staying during the weeks with no races. Checo and his family usually lived in Spain during those weeks but he had recently gotten an apartment in Monaco and had not really used it yet, since he spends the long breaks in Mexico. 

Even though this was technically a way of grounding her, Checo was merciful with her and understood that a little of rebellion is normal when you are young and in college. He wanted to keep an eye on her but also wanted to give her some space for herself. That is why he lent her the apartment in Monaco for herself, but she would be following him around every race week. In reality, it was her parents who were the most angry with her.

"Look at your brother, he has come so far and it seems like you are just wasting your talent on parties and bad decisions." Her mother said to her the last time they spoke. She had no proof, but she was 100% sure that coming with Checo had been his idea, and his way of making the punishment easier on her. Like at the moment, she was flying commercial but her brother made sure she flew first class. She had always been his favorite sibling by far. Her parents however never paid much attention to her, they always focused on Checo or her brother Toño. 

After getting off the plane and picking up her luggage Checo was there to greet her. (Conversations in italics are in spanish).

"CHEQUITO!" Liv yelled and ran to hug her brother.

"Liv finally you are here!" said Checo while returning the hug to his little sister with a bright smile. 

"Well, I really didn't have many options" she said sarcastically but with a smile on her face, showing her latin humor.

"You are going to have a great time I promise. Who knows maybe by the time the season is over you will not want to leave! It would be nice to have family close by all the time". Checo had gotten permission from Christian Horner to let Liv work as a photographer during the races, so she would be working while she was there. 

"We'll see, I know you love your work but I really do not see the big fuss about cars driving in circles..."  said Liv.

"I promise that once you see it, you will change your mind." said Checo. Liv had gone to very few of his races in the past, just some of the ones in Mexico; and since she had been so young she barely remembered anything.

They got in the car, a gray McLaren 720s and Checo drove to the apartment building were Liv would be staying. After getting the bags in the apartment and showing her around the 3 bedroom apartment with beautiful views (and not a lot of furniture, you could tell nobody lived there) Checo started saying goodbye.

"Sorry we could not get the whole place properly done before you got here, but Carola made sure you had everything you needed, and there will be more furniture coming in the next couple of weeks."

"Checo this is perfect! It's more than perfect really! And thank Carola for me, it looks beautiful" said Liv admiring the place.

"She can't wait to see you, and I'm really sorry Liv, I know we said we would have dinner together but Checo has a karting race tomorrow morning and I totally forgot. I really need to get to Madrid tonight". said Checo and he truly looked sorry for ditching his sister.

"Checo don't worry I understand, and I don't need a baby sitter, you can go don't worry about it".

"Well actually you needing a baby sitter is kind of what this whole thing is about" said Checo while laughing a little.

Liv lightly pushed him while smiling "Oh shut up I'll be fine! When do we leave for Bahrain then?" 

"9 days, next Sunday. I don't think I'll be able to make it back to Monaco by then but I'm sure I can get you a ride with somebody else, there's a lot of drivers living here".

Liv thought it would be kind of weird to join a stranger's private plane even if they knew her brother but she did not wan't to seem ungrateful so she just said "Wow, okay let me know then".

"Oh and one last thing" said Checo while throwing the keys to the McLaren in Liv's direction. She caught them with a surprised look on her face, then Checo said "please don't crash it". 

After Checo left in a hurry to catch his flight Liv started to settle in. She unpacked some of her clothes and when she got hungry decided to look inside the fridge. The fridge had been stocked completely, no doubt Carola was behind it; and at the center of it was a champagne bottle with a note that said "Welcome to Monaco Liv. P.S. Don't tell Sergio about this, it's our little secret".  



"Just landed in Monaco

Pinch me"


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@AvaCosta replied to your story


Is the second glass for me?


wait you are in Monaco?!


Moved here a couple of months ago

You are going to LOVE IT here

I'm going to this place called Jimmy'z with some friends, you are coming, it's decided


Is that like a club? I'm not sure that's a great idea

 this is my first night here and I am kind of grounded


Liv you are 24 you cannot be grounded

And we have not seen each other in forever 

you HAVE to come

That was true. Ava was Liv's great friend from college, they shared some of the same classes but Ava was a year ahead and had graduated early and returned to Europe, where she lived. Liv loved Ava and they always had a lot of fun together. They hadn't seen each other for a year... How bad could it be?


Alright text me the address, what should I wear? 


What do you guys think of Liv?

I do not want her to seem super careless because the more you get to know her the more depth you are gonna see in her. 

The next chapter we get introduced to a driver, who could it be?

Any thoughts so far? :)

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