50. An Understanding

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On the way home Olivia remembered something. "The cameras!" she said out-loud to the empty car. Once she was in her parking lot, she took a look on the app of her doorbell camera and looked to see if anybody had been there while she and Pato were gone. After speeding forward of 2 hours of footage, she realized the coast was clear. She turned up to the sky and let out a sigh "Thank you Patito" she said, thanking Pato who was up on a plane for getting the doorbell camera idea. If it wasn't for it then she would have been freaking out and would've probably brought the police over just to check nobody was there. 

She went into her apartment cautiously and locked the doors, shutting all of the locks. She still drank her extra large coffee though, although she was planning to sleep that night. She decided to relax from what had seemed the most chaotic day she had had in weeks, so she put on a face mask and watched 10 things I hate about you on the TV. She ate some leftover pizza as she watched the movie and after it was done she put on her pijamas and was getting ready to watch something else on the TV. After three weeks of lockdown it was getting hard to find something new to watch, so she opted for something old and comforting to make her feel better during her first night back by herself. She decided to watch The Parent Trap.

She was getting a glass of water and popcorn from the kitchen when suddenly there was a knock on her door. She gave a startled jump and the glass slid from her hand and crashed on the floor. Who was at the door? Whenever anybody requested to go to her apartment security called her to give them access. Nobody had called her. The only people who didn't require access were Pato and Checo but they weren't even in the country. She grabbed a long knife from the kitchen just in case and quietly walked over to the door. She watched from the peep hole and saw: Max Verstappen. 

Olivia let out a deep sigh of relief. 

"Olivia? Are you there?" asked Max. 

Olivia opened the door and let Max through before closing it again and shutting the locks behind him. Max looked at the kitchen knife she was holding in one of her hands. 

"Shit Olivia, what were you planning to do?" he said taking the knife slowly from her. 

"I didn't know it was you" she explained like it was an obvious response "what are you doing here Max?" she said as she walked over to the kitchen to clean up the broken glass. Max followed her and saw the mess. 

"What the hell was going on?" he asked as he knelt to pick up the biggest pieces of glass. 

"Well you scared me. I'm supposed to get a call every time somebody comes up but nobody called me" she defended herself while picking up the rest of the glass. 

"I was worried about you. You seemed really nervous when I saw you, and I didn't know if maybe you were there to see me" he said slowly as he turned to look at her, both knelt on the floor. 

Olivia's heart started to race "I was there to see Charles" she said in a whisper. 

"So you left the apartment you never leave to see someone who wasn't even in the country?" asked Max, his blue eyes piercing through her soul.

She shook herself out of it "It doesn't really matter why I was there really" she said brushing it off and picking out more shards of glass.

"It matters to me" said Max in a low voice. 

Olivia didn't answer. She grabbed a paper towel to swipe the smallest pieces of glass from the floor. 

"Olivia what's wrong?" he insisted. 

Olivia let out a sigh and stood up, Max did the same "I just don't get it Max. A few weeks ago you were convinced Ashley had planned my attack and now you are everywhere with her" she started. Max opened his mouth to talk but Olivia went on "And I know, believe me I know she's the mother of your kid but you thought she was behind this, and I think she was behind this too" she paused for a moment "And now you are what? Besties? Together again? Living together? I don't even know!" 

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