18. Jet Plane

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9:43 pm

Liv we leave at 8am tomorrow

Be at the lobby at that time

We are flying with Max


9:45 pm

Alright, good night Chequito ❤️



10:22 pm

Liv, do you need a ride to Saudi?


10:23 pm

Already got one! 

But thanks Charles, I'll see you there


Olivia woke up at 6 am to shower, pack her things and check out of her hotel room. She was at the lobby about 20 minutes early so she decided to go to the coffee shop that was on the other side of the street and get some coffee to wake herself up. She thought she should also take some for Checo, and since Max was also going to be there it made sense to bring one for him as well. When she got back to the hotel Max was already sitting at the lobby's entrance. He seemed in better spirits than the last time she had seen him after his DNF.

"Hey" said Olivia to Max. 

"Good morning" he said looking up from his phone and putting his phone away. 

"I brought you some coffee, although I'm not even sure if you drink coffee" she said, realizing he may be more of a green juice type of person.

He smiled "Oh thank you! I'd love some" he said reaching out for the coffee Olivia was handing him. "You are always drinking coffee" he added. 

Olivia sat down next to him "Uhm because coffee is life Max" she said it like it was obvious.

"It makes you all jittery" he said with a chuckle.

"Says the guy who is always drinking Red Bull" she chuckled too. 

"Morning everyone" said Checo arriving at the lobby "is everyone ready?".

"Yeah let's go" said Max.

"Coffee Chequito?" offered Olivia handing him the last cup.

"No thanks, I wanna sleep on the plane, I'm still so tired" he said while shaking his head. 

"No problem, I'll just drink it later then" said Olivia.

"Oh God " joked Max with a smile as he rolled his eyes. 

Olivia was glad Max and her were talking a little bit more again. It was really easy to talk to him and their connection always felt very natural. Like she could be 100% herself when she was with him. 

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