95. Mexican GP

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When Olivia came back to the hotel from her run Max was already there, on the sim. She got some dinner for both of them and she sat on the living room eating her salad with grilled chicken, after a while Max joined her and they ate together. 

Later that night as they were laying in bed Max asked "Hey can I ask you something?"

"Sure, shoot" said Olivia as she got closer to him.

"I totally get it about your mom, but why don't you get along with your siblings? I mean they look like they are great".

Olivia gave him a small smile "Yeah they are, they were just absent you know? I can't even blame them because it's not their fault either, they were always much older than me so I was just a kid and they were all already gone from the house, Toño was racing at NASCAR, Paola had left too and was helping Checo with his management. So I never really got a chance to grow up with siblings" she shrugged "I love them of course, we just don't get along so much because we haven't spent proper time together ever, like siblings usually do".

"But not Checo?" added Max.

"Checo left when he was so young but he always made an effort to keep in touch, I think because he felt like he was so far away from all of us, and he was all alone, he missed us" said Olivia with a sad smile while Max listened attentively "By the time Facebook and Skype existed we were in constant contact, we would message all the time and video call almost every day".

Max smiled sweetly at her "That's really lovely of Checo" he said honestly "I wonder if it's the same for Blue Jaye?" he thought out loud "Maybe I should try to bring her along to some races".

Olivia smiled at him "Max don't worry, I can already tell you get along with Blue so much, it's nothing like me and my older siblings, it's more like me and Checo actually" she reassured him "And you should definitely bring her to a few races, she would love it".

Max stroked her cheek as they laid facing each other "She's going to adore you, I can't wait for you to meet her".

"I can't wait to meet her either" said Olivia honestly, she gave him a small kiss before they turned off the lights to fall asleep.

The next morning they woke up early to go up to the roof before breakfast and FP3. The sunrises in Mexico City were very different from anywhere else, there were so many tall buildings, and there was a lot of air pollution, so the sunrise was definitely hard to see.

"No offense to your country love, but this has to be the worst sunrise we saw this season" said Max as he leaned on the roof's ledge.

Olivia sipped her coffee "No offense taken, this sucks" she nodded "but wait until we are at the beach house, the sunrises by the beach are amazing".

"I thought we were going to Oaxaca?" Max turned to her confused.

"Well, since Lewis isn't coming and we didn't need to worry about the food or cultural experiences I thought it would be cool if we did: beach house in Puerto Vallarta, then Guadalajara for the baptism and lastly a day in San Miguel de Allende before we leave for Brazil." said Olivia "What do you think? I still have to tell Carlos and Charles but I don't think they'll mind".

"That sounds lovely, I'm actually really exited to see the beach house I thought I would have to wait until New Years" he turned to her brightly.

Olivia smiled "Yeah that's actually why I thought about this, I'm not sure if the water is gonna be too cold in January, but it's definitely still perfect right now" she nodded "We're still going on New Years I just wanted to take you during the warm weather too".

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