69. Behind Locked Doors

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Just a minute after they had gotten into their room the bell boy arrived with their bags. Olivia and Max got ready to go to dinner. Olivia wore a linen white dress, with long sleeves and a slit that barely reached her knee.

"You look absolutely lovely" said Max as he gave her a kiss.

They had dinner at this beautiful restaurant that overlooked the city. It was the first time Olivia was ever in Dubai and she loved looking at the buildings and city lights. There was just one problem. Neither of them were used to keeping their hands to themselves anymore. They kept reaching out for each other's hands, or reaching out with their feet unconsciously to at least have some sort of contact. They would snap out of it and retract to themselves quickly before anybody would see them. They knew it was better to stay out of trouble.

They had a delicious dinner, afterwards they had some dessert and they drank some wine. Olivia looked straight into Max's eyes and he looked straight into hers as they finished their wine. She knew he was thinking the same thing she was. The lack of physical contact was torture for them but also, there was this kind of extreme anticipation and excitement for the moment when they would be able to touch again. There was a look in Max's eyes, it was very similar to the way he looked whenever he was about to race and he knew he would win. It was a mixture of determination, excitement, desire and thirst. Olivia had never seen him look at her quite like that. Olivia got goose bumps and her heart started racing just by looking at Max stare at her like that. The wait was killing her, and it was killing him too.

After dinner they were walking down to the street. "So do you wanna go somewhere else? Go see the fountains or something?" Max asked hesitantly.

"Or we could go back to the hotel" shrugged Olivia.

"Oh thank god, let's go" said Max calling for their car in a hurry, Olivia giggled.

When they got back to the hotel they speed walked their way to the elevator.

"Good night Mr. and Mrs. Verstappen" Afif said kindly from the reception.

"Good night!" they both called out without stopping as they got to the elevators. As soon as the elevator arrived they both hopped in and pressed their floor. Another man got in the elevator with them and pressed the button to his floor as well. Just a couple of floors before Max and Olivia's. Max and Olivia stood one on each side of the elevator, looking at each other and waiting for the elevator to go up. The other man was right in front of the door, with his back turned to them.

The anticipation was on a whole new level, Olivia had the urge to jump on Max. She didn't think they had spent so much time with no physical contact ever since they started dating. She couldn't take his eyes off him and he would not stop staring at her. His blue eyes piercing through her body. His look had changed now, there was a hint of a smirk on his face and his look still had the same determination but there was something else, a game, a hunger, a desperation. It made Olivia hold on to the railings on her back just to stop her from going over to him and kissing him. She lightly bit her lips, this wasn't hunger, it was a new type of starvation. Who knew physical distance could be such and aphrodisiac. Max saw Olivia's hands tighten around the railings and smiled, teasingly, knowing she was suffering as much as he was.

The elevator doors opened on the other hotel guest's floor and the man stepped out. Max and Olivia saw the doors close and then looked back at each other. Olivia took a deep breath through her nose, Max saw her chest rise and fall and he had to stop himself from walking to her, he placed his hands together on his back like he would do whenever they played a national anthem. He knew if his hands were free he would reach out to her and then he wouldn't be able to stop. Olivia'd dark eyes were looking directly at his and his heart was racing. Finally the elevator rang as it reached their floor. It had been the longest elevator ride ever. They both turned to the doors, ready to leave, Olivia's right hand still tight around the railing.

As soon as the doors opened they started speed walking again, towards their suite. Once they reached the door Max opened it with his key card "After you Mrs. Verstappen" he said as he opened the door for Olivia.

"Thank you Mr. Verstappen" she said going in but as soon as she was out of sight of the hallway's cameras she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him inside the room immediately, closing the door behind him.

They started kissing immediately, they were like magnets, Max raised Olivia to carry her and she wrapped her legs around his torso. He pushed her against a wall as they kissed deeply, like they had been starving and this was their salvation. Max made his way into the bedroom and threw Olivia on the bed, there was no delicacy whatsoever, they were both desperate. Olivia pulled his t-shirt off and Max tried to unzip Olivia's dress while she kissed his neck and lightly bit his shoulder.

"Shit" said Max pulling at a zipper that wouldn't budge "It's stuck" he said desperately, he needed her off that dress now.

"Just rip it" whispered Olivia as she kept kissing his neck. Max turned her around to face her back and with one strong pull Olivia's dress ripped open and Max pulled it over her head.

Max looked at the ripped dress for a second, he didn't expect to pull at it so strongly, he had even impressed himself. "Sorry about your dress" he said without really meaning it as he threw the dress to the side and went back to kissing Olivia.

"I don't care. That was so hot" she said as she started unbuttoning his pants.

Their desperation only grew more and more, and they showed each other over and over and over again just how much they really craved one another. Max kept placing his hand over Olivia's mouth so nobody next door would hear her, and he kept trying to keep quiet himself although he was sometimes unsuccessful. He kissed her lips, her thighs, her chest, her back, all of her skin; and it tasted like vanilla and liberation. Her moaning sounded like gratitude as she called out his name and he called out hers. By 4 am they laid breathless and sweaty next to each other, cheeks flushed and hearts racing.

"That was incredible" said Olivia out of breath, a soft smile on her face as she looked at the ceiling.

"I think that was the best sex I've ever had" let out Max honestly as he stared in disbelief at the ceiling as well.

"No Max" said Olivia decidedly, raising her arm and index finger in the air. Max turned to look at her "That was the best sex anyone has ever had".

Max chuckled "We should get a medal" he said.

Olivia turned to him and chuckled too "We should get like four medals" she said as she counted with her fingers.

Afterwards they drank some water and had a quick shower, when they laid back in bed they fell asleep almost instantly. They were exhausted and unfortunately they had a long day ahead of them, they were going to the desert that afternoon to ride some camels. They needed all the rest they could get.


I was going to write all of Dubai in this chapter but after I had written this I realized this chapter is number 69 and thought that was a funny coincidence so I'm just going to roll with it.

I never know how to write about this because I don't want to make it too explicit but I think it becomes a bit repetitive.

Anyway, short chapter, I'll write the rest of Dubai tomorrow :)

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