2. Jimmy'z

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Introducing Ava Castro, 25, Liv's friend from college 

Olivia arrived at Jimmy'z wearing a backless black dress, golden earrings and stilettos, her dark hair up in a messy bun with long curtain bangs framing her face

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Olivia arrived at Jimmy'z wearing a backless black dress, golden earrings and stilettos, her dark hair up in a messy bun with long curtain bangs framing her face. She found Ava immediately, she was waiting for her at the entrance of the place.

"My girl is here!"  Ava smiled as soon as she saw Liv and hugged her tight. She had a black lace top on with a short skirt and smelled like Santal 33, an addictive combination of spices, leather and flowers.

"I missed you so much! New York is not the same without you" responded Liv as she hugged her friend back.

"Oh believe me I've heard! You have become quite the little troublemaker" she said with a little wink and a smile on her face.

"How did you hear about that all the way in Monaco?!" asked Liv a little impressed by her detective skills.

"You have been living in New York long enough to know it's a very small city and news like these travel fast". said Ava.

"So... Emily?" said Liv mockingly.

"Yup, Emily" said Ava while nodding her head and smiling. Emily was also her friend from NYC and she always new the tea about everyone. The three of them were really close. They both laughed and went inside the club, the bouncer let them in right away since Ava's friends were already inside. 

She did not know anyone and the music was too loud to have any proper conversations and get to know them, but that didn't stop them from dancing and taking a few drinks together at their table. After a few gin & tonics the waiter brought over a tray full of tequila shots. Ava handed one to Liv.

"I think I'm good" she could already feel the gin & tonics kicking in. 

"But we are celebrating!" yelled Ava over the music. She definitely had more drinks than Liv and you could tell.

"What are we celebrating?" asked Liv.

"Your arrival silly! Cheers to Monaco!" She raised one of the shot glasses with the biggest smile and Liv couldn't say no to that smile. She giggled and picked up a shot glass of tequila.

"Cheers!" she replied, they clinked their glasses and downed the tequila shot, a warm sensation passing through her throat and expanding through her body.


They were both dancing in the middle of the room and Liv could not shake the feeling of somebody watching her. At the moment she really did not care though. 

"We've got admirers" Ava yelled into her ear.

"Where?" said Liv looking around.

"They are coming over, they are cute! Act like we did not notice" said Ava while she laughed, the tequila made her very giggly. 

A few seconds later two guys came over to them, one of them started talking to Ava and the other one tried to say something to Liv but she could not hear him clearly over the loud music.

"What?" yelled Liv with a confused face wondering what he had said.

The guy was tall, had his hair neatly pushed to the side, dark blonde hair, light eyes. Handsome. Definitely handsome. He also looked very familiar but in Liv's drunken state she could not quite figure out from where.

The man raised his hand and pointed to the bar while looking at Liv with a question on his face. This was a universal language and Liv clearly understood he was asking her to come to the bar with him. She nodded her head and when he started walking towards the bar she followed. Ava was already dancing with his friend and looked like she was having fun. 

At the bar the music was not as loud, so they could hear each other if they talked loudly. Under the more illuminated lights of the bar Liv could also see his face more clearly and she knew he looked a lot like someone. 

"Do you ever get told you look like that driver?" said Liv squinting her eyes a little bit, brow furrowed,  trying to focus on the man's face.

"What driver? Your uber driver?" said the tall man jokingly and with a smile on his face he was trying to suppress. 

"No no, the other driver, the one with the anger issues" she said matter-of-factly, trying to explain who she was talking about through her drunken sincerity.

"Never heard of him. Sounds like a nice guy." He said sarcastically, he could not erase the smile from his face, he was trying really hard not to laugh.

"Oh god no. But you are way cuter though, I'll give you that" she said with no inhibitions. 

The blond man giggled and said "What's your name?"

"Olivia, and yours?"

The blonde stayed silent for a second and then said "Emilian".  With a smile on his face.  "What are you drinking tonight, Olivia? Can I buy you a drink?"

"Well tonight I happen to be drinking tequila shots, Emilian." said Olivia, tilting her head to the side and looking at him straight in the eye with a daring look on her face, thinking he would back down.

Emilian laughed and said "Why does that not surprise me at all?" He knew he had just met her but she seemed like a total wild card, it was incredibly intoxicating in the best way. Like she was a puzzle he could not figure out and was dying to.

Emilian turned to the bartender and said "One tequila shot, please".

Olivia grabbed his arm and made him turn to look at her and said "Of course not! You cannot let a lady take shots by herself, you are doing one with me, it's called manners." She turned to the bartender and yelled  "Make that two!" then she turned back to Emilian and flashed him her bright smile, they made eye contact for a moment and everything stood still for a second. She could not see him properly under the club lights but staring into his eyes she was sure those were the kind of eyes she could get lost in for the longest time.

They talked for a little bit and then the bartender gave them the pair of shots, Emilian handed one to Olivia and held the other one in his hand "What should we toast to?" 

"Well I just moved here, so we have been toasting to that" said Olivia.

"Lucky me, I'll definitely cheer to that" said Emilian with a smile. They clinked their glasses and drank the shots. Emilian made an exaggerated face after drinking his but at this point for Olivia it tasted like water, she showed nothing but a smile after seeing his reaction.

"How can you be so chill about that? Was yours water or something?" said Emilian still making faces from the shot.

"Well I'm from Mexico so I can take my tequila" said Olivia with a giggle.

"Oh really? I have a friend that is from Mexico... well, coworker... no, no, he really is my friend". Emilian could feel his cheeks flushing from the warmth of the Tequila. 

At that moment a Bad Bunny song came on, which was not very normal at European clubs. Olivia got so excited, her mouth opened wide from the surprise, she grabbed Emilian by the arm and said "I love this song, let's dance!" while she pulled him to the dance floor. 


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