36. Miami GP

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Olivia woke up and had breakfast with her family that morning at the restaurant, although Pato was now there too. Liv told Carola and Checo about Pato's surprise boat ride, and both of them were the happiest people on the table. They seemed so excited to see Pato and Liv getting along so well again. 

After breakfast they all traveled together in a van to the paddock. While Carola, Pato and the kids were resting and talking in the back of the garage, Checo was getting ready for free practice and Olivia was taking photographs. She was taking pictures of Max getting ready, putting on his helmet and getting inside his car, when he turned to her and said "So on Sunday it's your birthday?" he asked. 

Olivia blinked for a moment, not expecting that question "Yeah, I turn 25" she said.

"Good, then if I win on Sunday that win is for you" he said. Olivia couldn't see his mouth with his helmet on, but simply by the look of his eyes she knew he was smiling. 

She smiled back at him "Then you better win" she shook her head. 

After the cars were out for free practice Olivia walked over to the Perez family and sat with them. Practice 1 was just okay for the bulls but then on Practice 2 Max's car would not steer, it started catching fire and he had to pit and retire the car for the rest of the session.  The engineers started working with him to find out was wrong with the car and fix it immediately in time for Qualifying the next day. After free practice was done they all packed their things to leave and they waited on Checo, Max had already left for the day. 

When they arrived to the hotel they were going to have dinner all together at the hotel restaurant when they ran into Max at the lobby.

"Hey mate, sucks what happened to your car" said Checo with a pained face.

"I know, I just hope it's ready for tomorrow" said Max with a grimace. 

"The engineers were working like crazy, I'm sure it will be fine" chimed in Pato. Max turned to look at him and gave him a forced tight-lipped smile with a light head nod. 

"Do you wanna join us for dinner Max? We are all just eating at the hotel restaurant" asked Carola.

"Thanks, but I actually have to go out, I'm running some errands" he said with a small smile. 

Olivia was curious as to what kind of errands Max Verstappen could be running by himself but she didn't ask. 

The Perez family walked over to the restaurant and they all had dinner together, including Pato and the children. Olivia had to admit that in that moment she felt truly happy to be with all of them there.

Next morning was Qualifying, so Olivia woke up early to get a good run before having to head over to work. She had a quick breakfast with her family, since she was a little late after she lost track of time while running. Then she and Checo headed over to the paddock, where everyone else would be joining them later. Practice 3 was great for Checo;  Carola, Pato and the kids joined them in time for Qualifying. The final line up was: Charles in pole, Carlos P2, Max P3, and Checo in P4. This season had been a constant tight battle between Ferrari and Red Bull.

The mind of Checo and Max was set: they had to fight hard the next day. As they were getting ready to leave, Pato called out to Max.

"Hey Max, don't you wanna come have dinner with us tonight? We are celebrating Liv's birthday early since tomorrow is race day" he asked casually.

Max thought for a second, on one hand seeing Pato and Liv together was torture, on the other hand he really wanted to celebrate Liv's birthday with her. So he thought the right thing to do would be to suck it up and go "Sure, thanks" he said with a tight lipped smile. 

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