56. Guilty Conscience

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Olivia flew that day back to Europe with Checo and her family. At the airport she gave Pato a tight hug as she said good bye and like usual Pato lifted her in the air as he held her tight. Then he gave her a kiss on the cheek "See you soon Liv" he said with a smile.

"Good luck in St. Louis Patito" said Liv with a smile before Pato grabbed his bags and entered the airport through the commercial area.

Checo, Carola and Liv, who were all out of the car to say good bye to Pato, got back inside to be taken to the entrance for private flights.

"Can we adopt Pato, Checo?" asked Carola pleadingly.

Checo laughed "We already have too many kids".

The flight back to Europe was a long one. First they made a stop in Madrid so Carola and the kids could get home. A few hours later Checo and Olivia were off to Belgium. After a few more hours of flying, they finally got to the airport and then the hotel, they were absolutely exhausted, the time zone change was killing them. For them it was 3 am but in Belgium it was noon on a Monday. They had a day or two to rest before they had to get back to work. None of the other teams were there yet, they would be arriving the next day.

Once Olivia got to her room she feel asleep instantly, but she had set up an alarm to not sleep all day, so she could get used to the schedule again. She had lunch and went for a run, but she was still so exhausted she fell back asleep at 8 pm.

She woke up at 6 am the next day, no need for an alarm since she was still getting used to the new schedule. She went out for a run and the realization dawned on her: her clothes were not gonna cut it. Even though is was summer, the temperature of summer in Belgium was completely different from Mexico. Olivia had no jacket, only shorts and tank tops. So that day after having breakfast with Checo she went out to do some basic shopping for a jacket, a sweater or two, jeans and shirts. Just enough clothing to spend the rest of the week in Belgium and next week in The Netherlands. After that she would be traveling to Monza, where she hoped the weather would be warmer. She would be back in Monaco after Monza, which was still three weeks away.

She was wearing denim shorts and a tank top when she went out shopping. She was absolutely freezing, having spent the last month in the hot Mexican beach. As soon as she bought the first sweater she put it on. When she came back to the hotel there were a bunch of drivers and teams already on the lobby. She could see the usual teams: the Ferraris, McLarens, Mercedes and Red Bull. It didn't take her long to spot the Charles and Carlos, she smiled brightly when she saw them.

"The Ferrari boys! My favorites!" she said as she caught up with them and gave them a hug.

"Liv look at you! All tanned and beachy" said Charles as he slightly brushed her hair away from her face. She had her usual post-beach hair, which was usually curlier and wilder, there were some freckles on her face because of the sun and her skin was very tanned.

"It seems like you didn't check the weather channel" said Carlos as he looked at her shorts "Holy shit Liv, what happened?!" he asked amazed by her bruised up legs.

"Oh my God Liv why?! Why are you always hurt?" said Charles shaking his head in disbelief as he knelt down to see her banged up knees.

Liv laughed "It's okay guys, it's nothing" she brushed it off.

"But it must hurt, doesn't it? It looks pretty bad" said Carlos.

"Well I was very drunk when it happened so it didn't hurt at all actually" said Liv shaking her head.

"Oh Liv I saw this video! I have to show it to you, have you seen it yet?" asked Carlos as a huge smile appeared on his face and he took out his phone.

"No, what.." Liv started.

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