54. Airplane Mode

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Olivia, Charles and Checo were having breakfast at the hotel's restaurant the day after the Grand Prix, when Max came into the restaurant with his usual spark back. He walked to their table "Good morning everyone" he said as he sat down across from Olivia. 

"You seem to be in a good mood today" said Checo while looking over the menu at Max. 

"Yeah, where is Liv's bestie Jos?" asked Charles sarcastically. Liv shot him a look and tried to suppress a laugh. 

"Oh he left already, early in the morning" said Max looking straight at Olivia, a smile appearing on his face. A smile grew on Olivia's face as well. 

"Then it is a good morning, great start to the summer break everybody!" she said beaming as she looked around the table and raised her cup of coffee. Charles and Checo chuckled, even Max tried to contain a laugh. 

After they were leaving the restaurant, Olivia stopped Max "Hey so are you gonna be flying to Monaco today?" she asked. 

"Yeah, do you wanna come?" he said amicably.

"Oh I'm already flying with Charles, we leave in an hour" she said shaking her head "but maybe we could do something tonight, I mean I'm only gonna be there for one night, I leave tomorrow for Mexico" she asked hopefully. She didn't know where she stood with Max at the moment, she doubted he knew either, but she wanted to find out.

Max's face immediately made Olivia's smile disappear from her face. "Oh shit, I.. I actually can't tonight" he said looking apologetic and slightly guilty. 

Olivia didn't need an explanation, she knew it was because of Ashley, her whole face and body language changed "Oh I get it, never mind then" she said coldly as she started walking away and towards the elevator.

"No, Olivia" said Max as he grabbed her arm to make her stop and turn to look at him. He already knew what she was thinking, he knew her perfectly "My sister Victoria is in Monaco, I told her we would have dinner. We haven't seen each other in a while" he explained, an apologetic smile peaking through his face. 

The realization dawned on Olivia "Oh! Your sister! I just thought.." she started.

"Yes I know what you thought" said Max with a grin "but again, Ashley and I are only seeing each other for baby stuff, she has really backed off since Barcelona" he said. He didn't mention to Olivia it probably was because he had gone crazy at her in their hotel room while Olivia was in the ambulance on her way to the hospital. Since then, Ashley has actually been pretty decent, Max thought. 

Olivia nodded, feeling some relief but not entirely. Every time Ashley was mentioned in a conversation her stomach turned into knots. "So you are just gonna see your sister then" said Olivia, a slight smile appearing on her face again.

"Yeah it's just that, she's staying at my place, but.. at what time do you leave tomorrow?" he asked her. 

"I leave my apartment at 7 am" said Olivia with a pained face.

"Oh God, well at least let me take you to the airport" said Max with a sweet smile.

"Alright, tomorrow at seven" she said with bright eyes and a smile on her face.


A couple of hours later Olivia was on a plane back to Monaco with Charles. Lewis was off to Brazil, he invited Olivia to join him but she had her plans set on Mexico. 

She came home, unpacked her Budapest clothing and packed her clothes for a hot summer in Mexico. Ava came over and they had NYC bagels for dinner while Ava told Liv all about her trip to New York and Liv told her about being back to F1 in Budapest.

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