98. Crashing Waves

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Liv opened the front door of Checo's beach house and immediately she felt at home. This was the place she connected with happy memories, with her loved ones, with serenity and laughter. First Liv gave everybody a quick tour of the ground floor, showing them where the kitchen was, the bathrooms, the gym, the pool, living room, the exit to the beach and the terrace. Then came the second floor, first she guided Carlos to the first free bedroom. It was the room the reserved for visits. The kids had their own room, Checo and Carlota had theirs, and Liv also had her own bedroom. 

Carlos threw himself on the bed "Oh yeah, I'm gonna sleep like a baby here. Checo has good taste" he said as he laid on the comfortable bed. 

"I'm pretty sure we have Carlota to thank for that" laughed Liv.

"Yeah room decor doesn't seem like one of Checo's talents" joked Max. 

"Now off to the next room" said Olivia as she nudged her head towards the door of the bedroom. 

They walked over to the room next door "This is my bedroom" she explained as she opened the door. It took one look at the room for the memories of her last night in Puerto Vallarta to come flooding back. Suddenly it was like Pato's ghost was there. And she was pretty sure she had to be imagining it, but she thought she could still smell his cologne and the smell of alcohol in the room. 

"Do you smell that?" she asked in a low voice, trying to shake off the images flooding her head.

"Smell what?" said Max as he dropped their bags next to the bed. 

"You don't smell that?" she asked because she was positive that the room still smelled like that last night of sex. It had to be that or she was going insane. 

"I  don't smell anything love" he shrugged "I mean there's like this fresh smell the entire house has but that's it". Olivia knew what smell he was referring to, Carola always made sure the entire house had a beachy scent. She accomplished it with candles and sprays. The house always smelled amazing, but that was not the smell Olivia was referring to.

She walked up to Max and picked up the bags again as the images of her last night in that room kept appearing in front of her eyes wherever she looked "let's not stay here, we should stay in the master bedroom" she said as she walked out of the room with the bags "Percy this is your room" she added. 

"Oh fantastic, leave to me the room with the weird smell" he said entering the room and sniffing loudly "Liv I don't smell anything" he said confused.

"Yeah me neither" said Max as he followed Olivia out of the room. 

"Great, then it shouldn't be a problem" she smiled at him as she left the threshold. 

Olivia guided Max to the master bedroom, Checo and Carola's room. They left their bags next to the bed and both of them laid down on the bed. 

"I can't believe I'm finally in the famous beach house I've heard so much about" said Max as Olivia cuddled up to him and rested her head on his chest. 

Olivia looked up at him with a bright smile on her face. Her favorite person was now in her favorite place. "It's gonna be so great, I'm so glad we came here" she said.

"Me too, I rather be here resting and being with you than being on tours and exploring every day" he said. That was surely what they would've done if Lewis had been a part of the trip. Olivia thought both types of vacation were good, but in that moment she was glad to be at the beach house with Max. "I do kind of wish we could've stayed at your room though, the bed is just as big as this one, why did you give it to Charles?"

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