104. Breaking Point

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They arrived to the building's roof, there was a beautiful table near the ledge. On the center there was a base full of beautiful flowers, white gardenias. There were also small bases of gardenias surrounding the table. It was beautiful. Already laid out where different dishes with silver covers. The lights of Sao Paulo illuminating the landscape around them. 

Max walked over to the table and pulled the chair back for her to sit. After she did, he sat next to her "What is all this?" she asked impressed by the beautiful set up. 

"I just really wanted us two to get a nice night for ourselves" he shrugged "and after everything going on today, I really fucking need it" he let out an incredulous small laugh as he shook his head.

Olivia had a pained look on her face. She really didn't want to do this, but she had to "About today Max, you still haven't told me what happened" she said as calmly as she could. She still felt her stomach up in knots and the tension on her neck.

"Olivia I really don't want to talk about this, I've been doing that for the last few hours" he said looking exhausted.

"Well too bad because you surely haven't been talking about it with me" she said holding her ground. 

"Can we please just have a nice dinner? Please" he said getting frustrated. 

"You said we would talk about it at the hotel. We are in the hotel and I need to talk about it" insisted Olivia. She didn't think Max was understanding how mad she was about it. 

Max laid back on his chair and let out a sigh "What do you want me to say? What everyone else is saying? That I'm the worst teammate ever? That I wouldn't have become a champion in the first place without Checo? I know what they are all saying" he said his tone rising.

"I want to know why you did it! It was P6 Max it didn't mean anything to you!" said Olivia also getting heated once more.

"But it did! Every position means something to me and I shouldn't have to give Checo my grid position!" he said.

"He was the one who gave it to you! You were supposed to give it back!" 

"No, I was supposed to catch Charles but I wasn't supposed to give it back" he said stubbornly.

"Bullshit! I was listening to the radio Max, they asked you multiple times to give it back and you just sat there quiet, you played dumb" said Olivia with the anger now visible on her face. Max could actually see now how upset she was. 

"I shouldn't have to give any position back Olivia! If Checo wants the spot then he can race me for it!" 

"You're such a child! You are part of a team! Now Checo could lose that 2nd place in the championship and not get the 1-2!" yelled Olivia, not believing that Max wasn't apologizing for this.

Max rolled his eyes "The 1-2, I don't care about the fucking 1-2!"

"You don't, but the team does! Checo does! I do!" she yelled "You're being so fucking selfish Max".

"Really? Selfish? Is that what you think of me? I thought you knew me more than that Olivia but right now you are sounding just like anybody else in the paddock or in the media" he said incredulous.

"Then maybe you should listen to what they're saying because the way you are acting is just ridiculous" she was fuming. 

"I don't know what you want me to say! I already told Christian okay, if I can help Checo on the next race I'm going to do it!" he said with his voice full of frustration but also a note of plead.

"It might just be too fucking late for that then!" Olivia wasn't sure of what she wanted him to say. She expected him to be sorry about it, to know he had made a mistake, but certainly not this. "Did you even apologize?"

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