87. The Consequences of our Actions

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After that interview the atmosphere was tense. Even Checo, who was usually oblivious to this sort of problems, was clearly annoyed at Max. It wasn't just the fact that Pato and Checo were friends, Checo had actually spent years and years helping Pato get to where he was now. So the fact that Max could've nearly destroyed both of their efforts in a second really infuriated him.

Olivia was also also pissed, so instead of waiting for Max at the end of the day like she sometimes did, she decided to leave and wait for him at the hotel. 

Teams usually stayed at different hotels throughout the city, but Olivia often found herself in the same hotel as the top teams in F1: of course Red Bull Racing, Mercedes, Ferrari and McLaren. So it wasn't a surprise to her when she stepped through the hotel's doors to find the O'wards.

"Liv!" called out Elba from the reception desk. They were checking in. Olivia smiled immediately as she saw both of Pato's parents, his sister Elba and of course Pato. She walked straight to them and hugged Elba first. 

"Oh god, it's so wonderful to see all of you again" said Liv honestly as she hugged her friend. Then she hugged Pato's father, who was also called Patricio, and his mother who was also called Elba. 

"It's been too long dear, you should come visit us sometime, we miss you" said his mother sweetly.

Olivia felt a warmth in her chest, for nearly a decade this had been the closest thing she had had for a family. A full, united, close family. She was glad they still cared about her, even after her and Pato had broken up. 

"I really should, I've missed you guys" said Liv.

"Liv we were actually about to look for you, so we could all go to dinner" said Elba.

"Yes, but they don't seem to have a room under your name" said Pato's father.

"They wanted to surprise you" said Pato with a smile "You know like 'knock knock', 'who's there?' and then boom it's them".

Olivia chuckled "Oh yeah the room is not under my name, but we should definitely go to dinner I'd love that".

"Okay so how about 9 pm?" said Pato's father. 

"That's perfect, I'll see you guys here at the lobby" said Liv.

"Oh and invite Checo please dear" said Pato's mother.

"I will, Carola is also here, and the kids" she said smiling. 

"That's perfect!" said his mother brightly.

"You should also invite Max" added Pato.

"Please do, we'd love to meet him" said Pato's father with a comforting smile.

Olivia nodded "I'll tell him as soon as he gets back" she said, not fully convinced Max would like to go or Olivia would want him there if his past attitude continued. 

Olivia went up to her room and texted Checo and Carola about the dinner, they were an immediate yes. Then she showered and changed into a long sleeved black short dress and some short black booties to match. The weather was getting slightly colder and it was time to stop wearing her summer clothes at least until they were in Mexico. 

She was doing her makeup when Max arrived to the suite. As soon as she heard the door close she walked up the room's entrance "Max?" she called out. 

Max was in the kitchen getting a green juice "Hey" he called out while still looking inside the fridge, not turning to look at her. 

"Max what the hell happened today?" asked Olivia as calmly as possible "What's wrong?".

"Olivia it's fine, I'm fine" he said seriously.

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