30. Back to reality

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"Do we really have to go back?" Said Liv with pain showing in her face as she laid on the beach during the last morning in Bali. They would be traveling to the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix that night.

"I mean we could leave you here if you'd like" joked Lando, Liv shot him a look and a sarcastic laugh.

"I just wish we could stay here forever. I think I should live at the beach" she said nodding her head matter-of-factly.

"Liv, Monte Carlo is right by the ocean" chuckled Charles.

Liv said "yeah, but it's not quite the same."

"Yeah I know what you mean, I would love to just live at the beach, surf all day, nobody around. I can see you doing that" Lewis said turning to look at her from behind his sunglasses, a smile on his face. She returned that smile, he got it. She knew Lewis always got so much attention it must be exhausting.

They flew from Bali that night so they could sleep on the plane, then they landed in Dubai after 9 hours of flight, they waited for the plane to reload gas and got something for breakfast before heading back out on their way to Italy. They made sure to arrive a day before they actually had to, so that they could rest in case they felt jet lagged. So during Tuesday and most Wednesday it was still just the four of them.

Olivia used that time to see Bologna and visited the castle, the palazzo, and walked around the parks and nature. She even found an Ayrton Senna monument. She was excited for another race day, the only downside was seeing Max, and possibly Ashley. The pain in her chest had mostly turned into anger, Max had played around with her feelings. Saying he cared about her only to turn around and be with somebody else. Yes, Ashley was the mother of his baby but still he hadn't let Olivia go, and now she was hurt... and angry.


@ LIVUPDATES : New username!! Since I don't think Olivia is dating Charles anymore but I still loove her! This pic was posted by LEWIS on his stories during their break!! ❤️❤️

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@ LIVUPDATES : New username!! Since I don't think Olivia is dating Charles anymore but I still loove her! This pic was posted by LEWIS on his stories during their break!! ❤️❤️

@ User1: I would totally ship those two together ✨🫡
- @User2: he's too old for her
- @ User1: dude it's LEWIS HAMILTON that man is gorgeous

@ User3: Charles is there too though!! Maybe they are still together
- @User4: Let it go, they are just friends
- @ User6: NOT CHARLIV 😭😭

@ User5 : liked by Max Verstappen
- @ User7 : why is he always liking these posts 💀
- @ User8 : he's worse than Carlos
- @ Carlossainz55 : hey

@ Carlossainz55 : thanks for not inviting
- @charles_leclerc : you were invited
- @ ThisIsLiv : you can join us next trip Chili
- @Carlossainz55: Miami 😈


Max saw that last Instagram post and he felt a twinge of pain at first, but then he was just glad. He was glad that after the hard time he gave Olivia she would be having fun and being happy like she deserved. He felt that ever since he had come to Olivia's life as Max Verstappen he had only brought her worry and pain.

When he arrived to Bologna for the Emilia Romagna grand prix on Wednesday he first saw Olivia walking out of the lobby, going for lunch. Her skin was tanned and glowed, which made her smile look even brighter, although her smile wasn't directed at him. It was directed at Lewis walking next to her on their way to the restaurant. Her hair was wavier and more natural that usual, and when he heard her laugh from across the lobby he felt a pain in hist chest and a fist in his stomach.

"Hey" he called out to Olivia as she passed by, Max was by himself, no Ashley around. But still Olivia only turned to look at him when he called out and her smile disappeared, she turned back around and kept walking. Even Lewis turned around to see Max while he kept walking along with Liv.

Max didn't think he could carry around this guilt for forever. She deserved and explanation and an apology from him. He turned right around to the hotel's receptionist and said "I need you to do me a favor please".


When Liv, Lewis and Checo were leaving the restaurant, the hotel's receptionist called out Liv "Miss Perez! One moment please" with a smile.

She turned to Checo and Lewis "you guys go ahead" she said as she turned to walk over to the reception desk "Yes?" She asked as she arrived.

"I was asked to give you this Miss Perez" said the woman at reception with a kind smile. She gave Liv a white envelope, the only thing the envelope said was "Olivia" at the center. She grabbed the envelope looking at it curiously, thanked the receptionist and then went back up to her room.

Once she arrived at her room she opened the envelope and there was a small letter inside. Written in the hotel's stationery. The letter was short, it simply said "Please, please just hear me out. I need to explain everything to you. Meet me tomorrow on the roof at 6:30 am? - M. V."

Olivia stared at the short letter for a while. Then she realized that inside the envelope was another keycard. This one probably accessed the roof.

She barely slept at all that night, thinking about whether she should go to the roof or not. She knew she would forgive Max if he apologized. He was her major weakness, but she actually wasn't ready to forgive him yet. She would've never treated him like he treated her, there would never be a good enough excuse for that.

Max sat on the roof waiting for Olivia since 6:20 am. He had two coffees with him, one was colder than the other. As the minutes passed, 6:20 turned to 6:30 and 6:30 into 6:40. By 7 am he figured she wouldn't show up. The sunrise had been more subtle that day, light shades of yellow and a slight purple turning into blue, with cotton candy pink clouds. He stayed there until it was 7:30 and he had to leave. She hadn't shown up.

He pressed the back of his head against the wall. He had really screwed up.


I hope you guys like it! Right now I'm traveling a little so it's harder to write. Also sorry if the format looks awful I had to write this on my phone.

Do you think Liv is going to forgive Max? Did you want her to go up to the roof?

What do you think of her friendship with Lewis?

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