6. A week in Monaco

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When Olivia woke up at 7 am the day after waking up at Emilian's apartment she finally took the time to check her phone. She had a few texts from Carola asking her for pictures of the new living room furniture, a picture of Checo on a jet with a thumbs up and it said "on my way to see the RB18". She had a lot of texts from Ava from the night they went out, letting her know she was home and asking her for updates on the cute guy at the club. There were more texts from her the next day asking her for details, and a brand new text asking her if she wanted to go get some breakfast. 

She also had some texts from an unknown number, from the night before. 

+377 6311036743

8:15 pm 

hey this is emilian :)

Do you want to go get dinner tonight? I got a work thing tomorrow and I am going to be out of town

9:00 pm

are you there?

10:35 pm

is this the correct number? is this Olivia?

11:21 pm

sorry I guess I got the wrong number

"Oh shit" Olivia thought, "he's gonna think I did it on purpose". 


7:11 am 

Hey! I'm so sorry I fell asleep again

The jet lag was more cruel than I thought


"He totally thinks you are ghosting him" said Ava while intently looking at Liv's phone and reading her conversation with Emilian. He hadn't answered her last texts. "You should double text him" she added.

"Wouldn't that make me look desperate?" truth is she hadn't done this flirting thing in a long time

"He basically texted you a bunch of times last night, he's the desperate one. What did you do to this poor guy?" said Ava.

"Nothing, we just really hit it off you know, and he was so sweet the next day, I really don't want to mess this up in any way" explained Liv

"Double text him, that will show him you really aren't ghosting him" stated Ava firmly.

"Okay, fine, I'll trust you.." said Liv, she grabbed the phone back from Ava and sent another text



9:45 am



"Done" said Liv and she quickly let go of her phone and placed it on the table like she was terrified of it. 

Ava bent her neck to the side to read the screen.

"QUESTION MARKS LIV?! SERIOUSLY?!" she screamed while laughing, more people at the restaurant turned to look at them. 

"YOU TOLD ME TO DOUBLE TEXT!" said Liv panicking.

"NOT THAT!" Ava laughed even harder and Liv started to laugh too, maybe it had been a little stupid of her. 

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