31. Coming clean

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Olivia got off from bed at 6:00 am, but she couldn't bring herself to actually go up to the roof. She couldn't do it, Max couldn't get off that easily. She had the urge to go up to the roof, listen to what she guessed was an apology for yelling at her, and forgiving him. To fight this urge she decided to place herself as far away as possible from that roof. She changed into her running clothes and shoes, blasted her music on her ears and left the hotel for a run at 6:30 am.

She ran until her legs ached and she felt so tired she had to walk back. From the street where she was running she was able to see a bit of the sunrise. She imagined Max staring at the skyline and wondering where she was, not knowing how hard it was for her to not go. It took her a while to get back, she didn't realize she had ran so much until she had to walk all the way back. She had a shower and didn't even have time for breakfast, so she headed straight into the paddock.

As she arrived to the paddock for media day she went straight for the coffee. She had barely slept that night. Max knew exactly where to find her, so when he arrived at the paddock he went straight to the coffee station and Olivia was right there, eating a croissant and waiting for her coffee to get cold. Max walked straight to her, as he got nearer she looked up from her phone and her eyes went wide, her eyebrows rose. She hadn't thought about what would happen after she didn't go up to the roof.

Max came to a stop on the other side of the counter, standing in front of Olivia.

He took a deep breath as he came to a stop "Olivia" he said softly.

Olivia had a bite of croissant in her mouth, she stood there a moment and said "Max".

"You didn't show" he said, stating the obvious.

"I did not" she said lightly shaking her head.

"I really need to talk to you, please" said Max

"Oh, I'm sorry I was under the impression that you wanted some privacy. That me following you around was so fucking annoying" she said sarcastically, referring to what he had yelled at her in his driver room. Max felt a twinge of pain that appeared on his face, he regretted saying all of that so much, and the fact that she remembered it verbally was even worse. It just showed how much it had hurt her.

"I don't. I'm so sorry. I really need to explain Olivia" he said, his voice started to sound a little pleading.

"Max if you just want to tell me a speech about why you yelled at me to clear your conscience, then forget it. I'm not interested in making you feel better for being a shit person" said Olivia with an edge in her voice. Her face was cold, but there was a hint of pain in her eyes, which usually were full of sparkle.

Max let out a sigh, was this talk just an excuse to make himself feel better? No, definitely not, he wanted to tell her the real reason behind it, he was coming clean.

"Please, just listen to what I have to say okay? If you don't want me to talk to you ever again after that I won't. I just need you to know the truth" Max begged her.

Olivia stood there for a moment, looking straight at Max. He looked extremely sorry, to the point of begging her simply to hear him out. Damn. She knew seeing him was a bad idea, she looked into his eyes that looked like a rainy Sunday morning. There was so much emotion inside them.

"Fine, I can only promise I'll hear you out" she said in a dull tone.

Max took a deep breath and let it out. He felt as if he had been lacking oxygen for more than a week and now he could finally breathe. "Thank you Olivia, seriously".

Olivia nodded, there still was no hint of a smile on her face. "I'll see you at the rooftop, 6:30 am".

Max nodded, his face still filled with sadness "I'll be there".

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