102. Skyfall

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After Olivia and Max had their talk, the Ferrari boys came back in and they all decided it was time to call it a night. Checo and Carola hugged Olivia once more, glad that she was okay before guiding them out of the house. Max apologized about starting the fight that night and even though Checo and Carola had both accepted his apology, Olivia noticed how Checo would still become very serious en pensive every time he saw Liv's bandages. It was like he would get lost in them and he seemed more preoccupied than usual. 

Max carried Olivia out of the house in his arms so she wouldn't step on her brand new wounds, he didn't want her feet to start bleeding again. They crossed the back yard, where Olivia waved to her siblings and her parents good bye from afar as they exited through the back and got in the car. They smiled and called out their good byes at her. Her mother had a bleak look on her face as she saw Max carry her out. 

Once Olivia was laid down on the hotel bed Max sat by her bedside "Are you good? Do you need anything?" he asked.

"I think I'm good, just tired" she shrugged it off.

"Alright, get some rest" he said as he kissed her forehead and walked over to the bathroom. 

They were supposed to travel to San Miguel de Allende the next day and head to Brazil the day after that, but this had changed their plans slightly. Since Olivia would be limping through the cobbled streets of San Miguel, they were going to skip that and head straight to Brazil the next day. The vacation was over. 

Olivia closed her eyes and tried to sleep that night, but sleep didn't come easy at all. She pretended she was already asleep as she heard the footsteps of Max coming out of the bathroom and as she felt him settling down next to her on the bed. As much as she tried to quiet down her thoughts, she couldn't, her mind was racing. The night kept repeating itself over and over inside her mind. So much had happened in just a few hours, it was hard to process. 

First she found out Max read her messages and deleted them. A clear violation of her privacy, but something she could get past. He did apologize profusely after all. Then Max started a fight with Pato, and he found out about Olivia sleeping with him. Olivia still felt a knot in her stomach every time she pictured Max's face when he looked at her in the yard. His hurt voice echoing through her head "You slept with him?"

Then he hit Pato, Olivia remembered the images in slow motion and the blood coming out of Pato's nose before she was pushed back in a millisecond. At least that's what it had felt like. Then she just remembered the pain and looking down at herself as the blood started to drop. Then more pain, and Checo coming to her aid. 

She could always count on him, on Checo. He had been the one constant her entire life. She realized that he was what caused her to feel so uneasy. The look in Checo's face that night, even after it was all set and done, and Max and Olivia had made up. Everyone had apologized but Checo still looked so disturbed and pensive. It was way more than just holding his tongue, and Olivia knew it. 

So she went over everything again. Then again. She went over the entire night so many times until her exhaustment was so consuming and her eyes felt like they were on fire. When she woke up the sun was already out but she felt like she had slept only a couple of hours. After looking at the clock she realized that was exactly how much she had slept. 

She thought by the morning she would feel better, more at peace, but there was a sour taste in her mouth. She stood up by herself for the first time since the accident and felt the stabbing pain on her feet. She started limping as she walked over to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. This reminded her a lot of Monaco. When she had tried to defend herself from Max with a lamp after one of her nightmares. She dropped the lamp and it shattered on the ground. Pato had healed and bandaged her feet that night. This reminded her a lot of it. That night, Max had left. Last night, Pato had. And in both occasions, she was left with a horrible and awkward looking limp, at least for a few days until her cuts stoped hurting. She should be fine for the Grand Prix weekend. 

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