21. Sunrises

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Olivia didn't go into the paddock until Thursday, during media day. She knew Max would've probably woken up early that morning to see the sunrise and she had a feeling his feelings were still a little hurt about Liv nearly ditching him for Charles the other day so Olivia thought she would do something nice for him.

She went to the coffee shop nearby their hotel and she got three croissants, two with almonds, one without. When she got in the Red Bull motor home she went straight to the coffee station and made two cups of coffee. She was about to go look for Max when he luckily showed up.

"Hey Olivia" he said kindly.

"Morning Max, here" she said handing the cup of coffee to him and the little paper bag with one croissant.

"What's this?" he said a little confused.

Olivia shrugged with one shoulder "I thought I would bring you coffee, and a snack. I'm guessing you woke up pretty early today too". 

"I did actually, that's so sweet thanks" he said with a smile as he sipped on his coffee.

"You haven't watched any more Game of Thrones without me have you?" she asked testing him.

Max's smile grew even bigger and he looked down to his coffee "No, not at all, I'm right where we left off, we should watch more episodes on our way back to Monaco" he paused for a moment "Wait, are you flying back to Monaco after Jeddah? Because I know Checo is going to Madrid".

"Yeah I'm heading to Monaco, I actually hadn't thought about how I was gonna get there, can I go with you?" she asked realizing she didn't have a ride. 

"Of course, you can always come with me you don't even have to ask" he said with a small smile, his heart beat was racing. 

"Thanks! I'm just gonna take your jet everywhere then" she said making a joke.

"Yeah right, as long as I'm invited" he said following along.

They spent some more time talking at the motor home while they waited for the interviews to begin. 

"So how was today's sunrise?" Olivia asked curiously.

"You would've loved it, it was truly lovely" he said remembering the morning sky. 

Checo came in that moment "Hello everybody" he said with a smile "something smells delicious" he added.

"Here Chequito" said Olivia handing him a paper bag with an almond croissant. 

"Oh God yes this is what smells fantastic. Thanks Liv" he said messing her hair a little bit. He made some coffee for himself in the kitchen area and then left the room telling them he was going to be FaceTiming with Carola. 

"Your coffee is getting cold, do you want me to heat it up for you?" asked Max starting to get up.

"No, no, don't worry. I like my coffee cold" she said brushing it off.

"Like, with ice?" asked Max confused.

"No, I just like getting hot coffee, waiting for it to get a little cold and that's when I drink it" she explained.

Max nodded looking straight at her, trying to suppress a smile "Of course you do Olivia" he said like he understood everything and it made complete sense.

That night after the interviews were done, Olivia's photographs had been reviewed and edited, she went back to the hotel by herself. The manager at the reception called out to her

"Miss Perez!" she said. Olivia turned to her and walked to the reception's front desk.

"Yes?" asked Olivia. 

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