75. Clueless

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"You know what guys, I have to go too, I'll see you at the paddock" said Lewis after they spent a couple more minutes on the hall.

They stayed there talking for a while when Carlos said "So Liv, what's the plan for tomorrow?".

"Uhm.. well we plan on kicking your Ferrari asses in qualifying if that's what you mean" she said.

Charles and Carlos shot a look at each other "What are you talking about?" asked Charles.

"Tomorrow is qualifying" said Liv as her brow furrowed, stating the obvious.

"Oh my god she doesn't know" said Carlos with a laugh as he shook Charles' shoulders.

"Know what?" said Liv confused and intrigued.

"You know what, just for the 'kicking our Ferrari asses' comment I don't want to tell you" said Charles pretending to be hurt.

"Oh common" said Liv begging "What's going on?"

"That's what you get for being rude to us Liv" joked Carlos.

"I meant we are gonna kick your asses but they're cute asses, you should be proud." said Liv desperate to know what was going on, she hated feeling so lost.

They both started laughing "Okay, okay, good enough. Tomorrow is Max's birthday" said Charles.

Liv's smile disappeared from her face "No"

"Yes" said Carlos nodding while still laughing.

"Noo, no, no, no" said Liv as she quickly took out her phone and googled 'Max Verstappen's Birthday' the good thing about having a famous boyfriend, all of their information was one google search away.

It was true, September 30, Max Verstappen's birthday.

"Shit!" exclaimed Liv "Why did nobody tell me this?!" she asked looking at the two Ferrari boys.

"We thought you knew!" shrugged Carlos.

"Yeah Liv that's some terrible girlfriend knowledge" Charles shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh my god I didn't know Max's birthday was tomorrow and I've been wasting all my morning with you!" said Liv panicking.

"Hey!" said Carlos "that hurts".

"Why didn't you tell me!" she was desperate as she started walking towards the elevator.

"Liv where are you going?" asked Charles.

"I need to think of something for his birthday!" said Liv as she got on the elevator. She went up to her room, got her bag, rushed back to the elevator and out of the hotel. On the lookout for something to get Max for his birthday. Okay Olivia you cannot get him something stupid, it needs to be something he will truly love, Olivia thought to herself. Oh my god, I know! She had a realization, she knew Max would love it but also, she really wanted to gift him this. She had thought about it before, but she was waiting for Christmas. She guessed now it was a good a time as any.


Olivia arrived to work slightly late. Max and Checo were already in their suits ready for FP1 when she rushed into the garage out of breath. She had been planning Max's birthday, making sure it would all be perfect. It was difficult, since qualifying was at night so she couldn't properly plan a party the night before a race.

She rushed to get her camera out and started taking pictures.

"Hey you are late" noted Checo as Olivia took pictures of him.

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