53. Hungarian GP

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It was race day, and at the garage the environment was tense. Not only had everyone seen Liv almost attack Jos Verstappen on the now viral video, but their drivers, who are usually at the front of the grid were P10 and P11. Checo and Max weren't their usual vibrant selves either, they had a mission for the day and their head was in the zone. Olivia tried to not interfere too much as she took photographs of them that day. To allow them to get themselves on the right head space. Because to be honest, Olivia felt like Max's P10 might have been her fault. She knew they had issues with the car the entire weekend but it was until Olivia almost launched at his dad that Max went from the P4 he had held all weekend long, to a horrible P10. 

Her suspicions may have been proven correct when Max said "What did my father say to you?" he asked as Olivia took his picture. 

Olivia froze for a moment and then put down her camera, she brushed if off "it doesn't matter, don't even think about it".

"I mean I kind of can't stop thinking about it because I don't know what he said to you" said Max. 

Olivia let out a sigh "he wanted me to cover up my scar, said it was distracting for people".

Max scoffed, his hands took a hold of the counter he was leaning his back against. You could see he was tense "Fucking unbelievable" he shook his head "and when he grabbed your hair I nearly lost it and jumped out of the car".

"Well, If you had then I wouldn't be the only meme today" said Olivia trying to break the tension. 

Max let out a chuckle "you looked ready to take him down in that video".

"I was so mad I think I actually would've been able to" said Olivia nodding deep in thought.

"Oh I'm sure you would have, I saw your face in that moment, you were ready to go" he said, they both laughed. 

After the laugh died down he added "I'm sorry he did that though, it was so wrong. I told him to leave you alone after qualifying".

Olivia showed him an appreciative smile "Thanks Max, although it's not your place to be apologizing for him" they started calling the drivers, it was time to get to the grid "Now just go out there and overtake 9 cars" she said confidently.

Max smiled at her, then he nodded "whatever you say Olivia" he said pleasantly as he grabbed his helmet and walked to his car. 

George Russell started on pole, followed by the two Ferraris. From the very first lap, the bulls only mission was to overtake as many cars as possible and win. Both bulls worked along side one another for half the race, both overtaking one after the other. On lap 41 Max was P4 and Checo was P5, Max played a fantastic move on Charles, overtaking him and taking over P3. After that move everything seemed possible. However, a few laps later Max's car did a 360° spin. Olivia wasn't sure how he kept it together and didn't go off the track. Charles overtook him but Max gained control of the car back and he was back in the game.  It didn't take him long to overtake Charles once again, before they knew it Max was P1. He crossed the finish line in P1 after starting the race in P10. With a similar accomplishment, Lewis finished the race in P2 after starting P7. And even though Checo did not get a podium, he ended up P5 after starting from P11, which wasn't half bad, it was still 10 more points. 

Olivia and the rest of the team were celebrating, Max's win had been absolutely incredible. They walked over to the podium ceremony. Olivia, like always, found a good spot to take some good pictures of Max. First came out George in third place, and then came out Lewis in second. Olivia was beaming as she clapped and cheered for Lewis, he had done an amazing job as well. She didn't care she was wearing the Red Bull uniform, he was still her friend and would cheer him on. Then came out Max, Olivia immediately started taking his photographs. He lifted his trophy proudly, and there was even a hint of a smile coming from his father. 

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