49. Recovery

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Checo had left for Spain a day after his hangover in Monaco; he and Carola had welcomed a new baby just a few days later.

"Say hello to Emilio" said Carola with a smile on FaceTime.

"Emi! I love you Emi, look at you!" said Olivia with a huge smile on her face that could not be erased "I cannot wait to meet you! Probably when I look less scary, I don't want to be your first nightmare" she joked. 

Now it had been nearly 3 weeks since Liv's attack. Her nightmares were more infrequent now that Max was not there, but they were still haunting her. The attacker would vary now: most days it would be Max, some days it would be Ashley, other days it would be Tom Smith.  The Ashley nightmares started when Max texted her saying Ashley was back from Paris, asking if Olivia was okay and being extra understanding and worried. 

A few days later a picture of Max went viral as he was following Ashley through a baby store and they bought half the place. Olivia knew the police had found the person who choked her, but Max had thought it was Ashley, so the fact that he was now out shopping with her for baby clothes made her a slightly mad. 

"Liv it wasn't her, the police know who the guy is, they just have to find him" said Pato reassuringly to an outraged Liv "And Max is still the father so he obviously has to buy baby stuff, what do you expect him to do?"

"I hate it when you are reasonable Pato, can't you just support my anger? That's why I need more girlfriends, we support each other" she said rolling her eyes.

Physically, Olivia was doing much better. In a week and a half she had a doctor's appointment scheduled where she would get her wound checked, the stitches would dissolve by themselves and she would be able to get her gauzes off for good. The bruising on her neck was much lighter in color although it was still visible, and her voice was almost back to normal. The tiny cuts on her feet were almost completely gone and now just a couple of her most injured fingers remained bandaged. 


Currently, Checo was in Baku for the next race and it was media day. He was having some coffee at the motor home and FaceTiming with Liv.

"Just listen okay, my voice is almost back to normal. It just gets really bad IF I TALK LIKE THIS" she said starting to yell at him. 

"Jesus Liv then don't do that!"  said Checo with a laugh. 

She heard Max's laugh on the background. Then he walked into view and was standing behind Checo.

"That sounds really great" he said with a bright smile.

Olivia's smile became brighter, she hadn't seen him since the night he left her apartment. Although he sometimes texted her to check up on her. "Yeah it's almost back to normal. Next week I get rid of these too" she said signaling all of her leftover bandages and gauzes. 

"How's your neck doing?" he said trying to peak at her neck through the screen.

Olivia rose her head so he could get a clear view "It's much better as well" she said proudly.

"LIV IT'S 11:30!" they heard Pato yell from somewhere in the apartment. 

"I'm sorry guys I have to go" started saying Liv while she checked the time. 

"Where could you even be going? You are still supposed to be resting" said Checo with his brow furrowed.

"Therapy" said Liv with a shy smile "Pato is tired of my screaming at night, interrupts his beauty sleep" she joked.

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