41. A Good Night's Sleep

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Olivia woke up the next day nearly at noon, Max still had his arms wrapped around her in bed. She turned around to look at him, "Good morning" he said as he kissed her forehead. He seemed wide awake.

Olivia felt she had rested like never before, that was the greatest night of sleep she could remember. "Good morning" she said with a smile "How long have you been up?" she asked curiously.

"Uhm since about 10am ?" he said as he brushed the hair off her face.

"And what time is it?" she asked confused.

"It's around noon" said Max with a chuckle. Olivia was startled and sat up "I didn't want to wake you" he said with a laugh.

"Oh my god" she said as she laid back down and rested on his chest "Is that what resting feels like? I swear I haven't slept like that in ages".

Max put his arms around her "It was amazing. All of it" he said lifting her head to kiss her. Olivia smiled at him, yes it had been.

Max was making coffee in the kitchen while they waited for room service, Olivia sat on top of the counter. He came over to her, handed her a cup of coffee and she wrapped her legs around him. "You're trapped" she said with a chuckle. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her to the edge of the counter, putting his arms around her.

"Now you are trapped" he said as he held her tight.

Olivia giggled and put her cup of coffee down on the counter "The coffee is too hot" she said looking straight at him.

"Maybe we should wait for it to cool down" he said as he went in for a kiss.

"Hmm what can we possibly do while we wait?" asked Olivia jokingly.

"Don't worry, I've got a few ideas" said Max with a laugh and a little wink before he knelt and grabbed her waist, lifting her and carrying her across his shoulder. Olivia laughed as she hanged upside down from Max's shoulder and he carried her back into the bedroom. In the bedroom Max put Olivia down on the bed and got on top of her, she wrapped her legs around him and he started kissing her again. The thirst and hunger they had felt the day before was still there, they couldn't get enough of each other.


Max and Olivia drove together to the airport that day, Olivia's flight was leaving that afternoon and Max would be leaving for Monaco as well. Trying to not be recognized by anyone, they wore caps and sunglasses. Since Max was flying private, he dropped off Olivia at the regular airport entrance. Once she had to go through security they hugged each other for while, neither one of them willing to let go first.

"I don't wanna go" said Olivia into his chest.

"Me neither" said Max somberly.

"Let's run away then" joked Olivia, although it didn't sound like the worst idea.

Max grabbed her face and made her look up at him, then he kissed her. It was a sweet kiss, a goodbye kiss; and even though it lasted a while, it didn't feel like enough for either of them.

"I knew this was gonna suck, but I just can't believe we have to go back. I can't believe Ashley is gonna be there again, calling you her boyfriend, having your kid; and I'm just gonna have to be there and watch" said Olivia feeling down.

"Olivia you have to remember that I am not with Ashley, it doesn't matter what she wants or what she says. I can take raising a kid with her because I care about the baby. But I will never love her. Even if I cannot be with you, please know I will be thinking of you always" he said caressing her cheek.

Olivia grabbed the hand that caressed her cheek and kissed the inside of its palm. "I'll be thinking of you too Max" she said, she gave him one last kiss on the lips and then another on his cheek "I'll see you in Spain".

"I love you" he whispered to her as she pulled apart.

"I love you too" said Olivia. There was a sad note on her voice, a longing. She was already missing him before he was even gone.

As Olivia flew back to Puerto Vallarta she remembered the entire night. Her fight with Pato, the drama at the nightclub, it had all been eclipsed by the night she spent with Max. It had been truly special, and she knew that even though it hurt to say good bye now, it had all been worth it. Because Max knew she loved him and he loved her, they had proved that and more last night. She took a nap on the plane with a smile, knowing that Max Verstappen would do anything for her. She felt the same way, there was nothing she wouldn't do for him.


The day after Olivia got to Puerto Vallarta she was surfing with Checo, enjoying her last day in Mexico before they had to fly to Spain the next night.

"Hey Liv, what happened with Pato?" asked Checo while they were floating on the water waiting for a nice wave.

"In Vegas?" asked Olivia, she wasn't sure what to tell him and she was stalling for time to think.

"Yeah, I had invited him to come. When he didn't arrive last night I texted him and he just said you two had a fight" explained Checo.

Had he told Checo about Max? Olivia wasn't sure how much information she should give away. "Uhm yeah, we fought. Pato and me are over Checo, definitely this time".

Checo was quiet and he shook his head.

"What?" said Liv rolling her eyes. She knew he was holding his tongue.

"I don't know, I think you two will get back together eventually" he shrugged.

"Why would you think that?" asked Liv feeling a bit frustrated. It seemed like nobody cared about her opinion when it came to her own relationship.

"I just don't see you ending up with anybody else you know? We can all see it when you two are together Liv, it's not a coincidence everybody says it" he said casually, like it was nothing.

"Well I wouldn't count on it Chequito" said Liv as she started swimming away.


Olivia spent her last couple of days in Mexico enjoying the sun, her family, and the ocean. She was going to miss this. It made her feel so far away from all of her troubles, she wasn't quite sure she was ready to go back. She was dying to see Max but didn't know if Ashley would be there too, and if she was then even talking to Max would be basically impossible. It was like their time in Vegas was their final good bye.

The next night, Checo, his family and Olivia flew to Barcelona for the next race. After a long flight they arrived on Wednesday afternoon, ready to rest for a day before the Grand Prix weekend started.


Short filler chapter!

Just saw the Australian GP and being a Red Bull fan definitely sucks tonight. :(

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