101. The Exit

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Max kept pacing in front of the door from one side to the other. Olivia had been inside Checo's house for a while now, they had lost track of time. It felt like 10 hours had gone by, although it was less than two.

Checo came out from the backyard's sliding glass doors. He was carrying two bags of frozen vegetables. As soon as Max saw him come out he stood expectantly, he stoped pacing and turned to look at Checo. Nobody would tell them anything about Olivia, but they very explicitly told him he could not go in. Thankfully one of Carola's uncles was a doctor, he was at the party when this happened and he was attending to her inside the house. 

Checo didn't even had a hint of a smile as he handed Max a bag of frozen broccoli "for your hand" he said coldly.

"I'm fine" Max brushed it off "How's Olivia?".

"Max you are putting this on your fucking hand" said Checo sternly.

"I'm fine! I don't.."

"Jesus Max just put the fucking broccoli on your hand! There's a race next week, just shut up and get the broccoli!" said Charles loudly, loosing his patience. Max was stunned, usually Charles was the most calm of them all. 

Max stood there quietly and took the frozen broccoli bag from Checo, he placed it on his hand and immediately felt a wave of relief as the cold compress cooled down his swollen and warm hand. He let out a deep breath and his shoulders relaxed. 

He turned to look at Checo, who was giving a bag of frozen peas to Pato. Pato immediately took it and placed it on his face "Thanks Checo" he said quietly.  Pato's nose had stopped bleeding, and now only the swollen nose and the drops of blood on his shirt remained.

Then without another word, Checo turned back around and entered the house. Max called out "Wait, how's Olivia?!" but there was no answer as they watched him walk away through the open glass door. Max thought about it and he realized he had never seen Checo quite this mad. 

Checo came into the living room, where Carola's uncle had spent the last hour and a half removing all little pieces of glass from Olivia's wounds, cleaning, and stitching them up. 

When Olivia fell she used her forearm to cushion the fall and fell on her side. Therefore, the biggest cuts were a few large cuts on her left forearm and a couple on her left leg. Then there were some on her knees, hands and feet from the moment she tried to stand up by herself. 

Not all of them required stitches, some of them were just being cleared of the glass, cleaned and then closed with laceration tape. The biggest ones were being stitched up nicely. Olivia was grateful the doctor hadn't drank alcohol that night or she might have come out looking a little funky. However it was nothing that couldn't be healed there. Checo's house, being filled with kids, had plenty of first aid kits stocked for every kind of emergency. 

As Checo sat on one of the couches, he had a clear view of Olivia's foot covered in cuts as the doctor removed tiny pieces of glass with tweezers. It was the last part of her that needed healing, everything else had been covered. That's when little Carlota appeared on the door frame of the room. 

"Auntie Liv? What happened?" she said in a small and trembling voice, Checo was about to stand up to go over to his daughter, he could easily tell she was about to cry. 

"Oh it's nothing sweetie don't you worry about me" said Olivia as she gave her niece a bright smile and she extended her healthy arm towards her. Carlota took some wavering footsteps towards her and climbed up to the sofa, cuddling up to Liv as she looked at the bandages on her arm and the gauzes on her legs fearfully. 

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