5. The Day After

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Emilian had been gone for an hour, way more than expected but something came up and he needed to deal with it. When he finally came back to the apartment and into the bedroom, with condoms in his back pocket and a few chocolate bars and snacks in his hands as an apology for the delay, he found Olivia dressed and asleep. 

She was curled up on a side of the bed, on top of the covers, you could tell she had been waiting until she gave in. Emilian took a deep breath put down the chocolates on the nightstand, the condoms inside a drawer and grabbed some blankets from the closet as silently as possible. He changed into some shorts and a different t-shirt he sometimes used as pijamas. He didn't want to wake her to get her inside the covers so he placed the blankets on top of both of them. He laid next her and could still get a whiff from her perfume, she smelled like a flower. He did not want to be far away from her, he wanted her near. He got closer to her and put his arm around her, with her back turning to him, and he held her as he fell asleep.


Olivia felt someone lay down beside her, mildly waking her up, she felt the person coming in closer and before she could turn around to look at him, Emilian's arm was already wrapped around her holding her close, she fell back asleep immediately.  

When she woke up again she could smell food in the air and there were sounds coming from the kitchen. She opened her eyes slowly, remembering she was not in her apartment. Then everything from last night came back to her like a flood. Meeting Emilian, dancing and laughing all night, sim racing, him cooking her dinner, the kissing... the bed... her skin on fire wherever he kissed it, the condoms, the sunrise, falling asleep. 

She sat down on the bed and looked around, she was alone in the room, there were blankets on top of her that hadn't been there when she fell asleep. A slight smile appeared on her face. She got up and walked to the kitchen, where she found Emilian cooking some pasta with a lot of vegetables. 

"Pasta for breakfast?" asked Olivia a little bit confused.

"You are alive! I'm glad I was about to call an ambulance, but I could see you breathing. And it's not pasta for breakfast, it's pasta for late lunch, it's 4pm Olivia" he said giggling at the end.

"What?! Are you serious?" she was shocked and looked around for her phone. It really was 4 pm and she had a bunch of calls and text from Carola letting her know the new furniture was going to arrive at the apartment at 5pm. 

"Yeah I just figured you were really tired, we did stay up until quite late, so I just let you sleep" he said brushing it off. He started serving the  pasta into only one dish and Olivia felt like that was her sign to go, he has just cooked for himself.  Emilian noticed her looking at the one plate.

"I don't expect you to have pasta for breakfast, I got you some pain au chocolat and croissants from the bakery downstairs." he signaled with his head to a white paper bag that smelled amazing and inside there were different types of bread that looked delicious. 

"Oh my god these smell amazing, thank you". She grabbed a plate and an almond croissant, then she sat down next to Emilian who was serving green juice to both of them. "Do you have any coffee?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure" he said as he stood up and walked the the coffee maker to make some fresh coffee. 

"About las night, what happened? You never came back" Olivia asked curiously, while she ate her croissant and flashes of the night before appeared in her mind.  

Emilian knew this was coming, but he didn't know how to explain what had come up. So instead he thought it would be easier to lie. "I know I'm sorry about that, I couldn't find an open store, it took me so long by the time I got back you were already asleep. But there's some apology-chocolates for you on the nightstand" he said with a pleading look, he truly was sorry about leaving her alone. 

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