66. Denial

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By the morning, once Max woke up feeling sober again he realized he had really screwed up. 

It probably wouldn't have been a big deal at all if I had told her last night, she would've understood. Maybe she would've been mad, but would've gotten past it. But now I'm the idiot that deleted the evidence to avoid getting caught and also kept it quiet. Shit. Fuck. Maybe it's not a big deal anyway? Pato will probably ask Checo if Olivia is okay and that will be the end of it. Yes, it probably didn't matter that much, it's fine. Max's head was racing as soon as he woke up the next day. 

Max thought he unfortunately had made his decision last night and now he was going to stick with it. So when Olivia woke up and they spent the entire day together and then they flew to Monaco, Max said nothing. For him it was actually concerning that is wasn't that difficult to forget he had done that. He went about his day like nothing had happened and then felt guilty for being so okay with it. Maybe he just hated Pato that much. 

When they finally got to Monaco, Max took Olivia back to her apartment. "Is it okay if I stay here?" he asked as he got his bags from the car. 

"Sure, haven't gotten sick of me yet?" she asked teasingly.

"No, not yet" joked  Max. 

"Do you want us to go get you some other clothes?" asked Olivia, they had been traveling for 3 weeks, she really had the need to wear something else. 

"No, no. I'm good with what I got here" said Max brushing it off. 


Olivia loved feeling rested again and being back at a proper apartment instead of a hotel room. She was back to a calm routine after months of being away. She did hate having to cook for herself but she had found a very nice solution for that. When she woke up on Saturday morning she could smell the food all the way from her bedroom. She got up and after quickly brushing her hair and her teeth she left the room and walked over to the kitchen.

Max was making ham and vegetable omelettes in the kitchen and they smelled amazing. Olivia walked over to him and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning" she said with a smile "It smells incredible" she said standing next to him checking on what he was cooking, trying to peak into the omelette on the pan. He lightly smacked her hand away with a chuckle.

"Don't touch the omelette, this is a delicate art" said Max.

"Fine" said Olivia with a smile as she playfully rolled her eyes at him and sat on the counter. Olivia heard the sound of the washing machine. Max had spent every day since they got back to Monaco at Olivia's apartment. He hadn't been to his own place at all, not even to get clean clothes or anything. Olivia didn't mind it at all, she loved having him around, but that day she saw he was wearing a Red Bull t-shirt and she knew it was because he didn't have any more clean clothes. 

"So are you racing today or what?" she teased him as she lightly pulled on the collar of his shirt.

"No, I was washing my clothes and put this on since it was clean" he shrugged "that's okay right? That I'm using the washing machine?" he asked. 

"Yeah of course, use whatever" said Olivia "So do you plan on going to your apartment at all while we are here? I'm not kicking you out by the way, I just think it's a little odd you haven't left your bags or anything"  said Olivia "If you want I can clear out a few drawers for you? So we can store your suitcases"

Max kept cooking and didn't look at her "Yeah, I don't know. I just haven't had the need to go there I guess. All I want is here" he said as he finally looked at her and walked to give her a small kiss, Olivia smiled. 

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