88. Meeting the O'wards

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The next morning Olivia woke up with Max's arms still enveloping her. As Max felt her stir when she woke up he pulled her in closer, not wanting her to get up. Olivia laid there for a moment more, feeling the warmth of Max's body against hers. After getting ready for the day they took the elevator down to the restaurant where they had an early breakfast and were later joined by Checo, Carola and the kids. 

For Max everything felt right again, they felt like their own little family. However as Olivia fed baby Emilio who sat in Max's lap, and she waited for her coffee to get cold, a few more people decided to join their breakfast. 

"Good morning everyone" said Elba with a smile as she and her family arrived to the table "Is there room for four more?" she asked.

Olivia smiled at them, a spoon full of baby food up in mid air. Checo answered with a smile "Of course, let's pull in another table".

So they did, they pulled in one more table and sat next to the Perez family and Max. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you Max, are you feeling better today?" asked Pato's mother concerned about his fake illness Liv had made up.

It took Max a second to process why he should be feeling better "Oh yes, thank you that soup last night really did the trick" he nodded politely.

What followed that conversation could only be described as the interrogation parents are supposed to give the boyfriend the first time they met him. 

"So Max, where do you live? In Monaco like Liv?" asked Pato's father.

"Yes, I've been living there for a few years now" said Max.

"He's apartment is actually quite close to ours" said Checo as he nodded.

"And how long have you two been together?" Pato's father asked.

"Dad" said Pato urging him to stop the interrogation. Olivia tried to hold in her laughter. 

"Uhm I guess since after the summer break" he said as he turned to Olivia.

"Yeah, that's right" she agreed with a smile.

"Are you two living together?" jumped in Elba.

They both turned to each other "Not really" said Max.

"We have separate apartments" added Olivia.

"Oh common, you basically do" said Checo.

Pato's parents could sometimes be very conservative when it came to marriage, that's why Pato's mother added "So you are not waiting to get married?".

"They are married" jumped in Carlota who was drawing messily on a coloring book. 

Olivia slightly choked on her coffee, as the O'wards turned to look at her in a millisecond "You're what?" "You got married?" "Why didn't you tell us?".

As she tried to clear her throat from the stuck coffee Max patted her back so she could breath again. She turned to look at Checo and Carola who where giving her a look and then turning to Carlota. "Carlota just learned that people can only kiss when they are married" said Olivia hoping they would understand. 

"Ohh" said Elba understanding what she meant.

"What? I don't get it, what does that have to.." started Pato's father as Elba whispered to him and her mother. "Aah, yes of course".

Pato, who had gone more pale than ever, tried to hide the deep breath he took in relief and was trying to calm down his racing heart beat. Olivia was laughing with Elba and didn't notice, but Max did. 

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