19. GoT

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It was the week of Saudi Arabian GP, the rest of the teams and the drivers were also in Jeddah, getting ready for the race. Olivia took the rest of her Monday to rest in her hotel room and she edited some pictures she had taken during the race the day before. For lunch she just had some salad from room service and afterwards she took a long nap to recover from the day before. When she woke up from the nap she decided to watch something on the TV. 

She was too tired to go out anywhere, so she decided to keep watching Game of Thrones. She looked on Google Maps for a convenience store and a coffee shop nearby so she could look for snacks to eat while watching the show. She went downstairs and walked about 3 blocks, where she found a coffee shop, but instead of her regular coffee she opted for some Chai tea since she didn't want to get insomnia that night, then she walked a few more blocks to a convenience store and bought some chips and chocolates.

When she was back at the hotel she ran into Max at the lobby.

"Did you rob a candy store?" he said looking at the bag full of treats she was carrying. "And more coffee?" he said raising his eyebrows "Olivia it's 8pm".

"My snack choices are non of your business, I just like to have different options" she defended herself with a teasing smile "and this is tea by the way" she said signaling to her cup of tea in her hand. 

"Tea?! Okay I'm shocked" he said jokingly "what is the candy for?".

"I'm gonna continue watching Game of Thrones" she said with a smile.

"Oh nice, can I join you?" he asked naturally.

"Huh.." she paused for a moment simply because she was a little shocked, she didn't expect him to ask.

"What? Is there not enough candy for me?" he said opening her bag full of candy.

She laughed "I mean, I guess I can share. Let's go then" she said handing him the bag of snacks and they started walking together back to the elevator.

"Your room or mine? "  he asked, and Olivia got a brief flashback from the night they met. When she asked him "your place or mine?" and afterwards she spent the night at his apartment.

"Yours is probably bigger, let's go there" she said shaking those thoughts out of her head. 

"Alright" he said and he pressed the number for the 15th floor.

Max's room was actually a suite, complete with a small living room, TV and a kitchen. They sat down on the couch in front of the TV and Olivia started laying all of the snacks on the table between the TV and the couch. She stood up to make popcorn on the microwave while Max grabbed his dinner from the fridge: salad with steamed chicken. Once they both sat down Olivia poured M&M's onto her popcorn.

"What the hell are you doing?" chuckled Max while looking at her snack.

"Don't judge it until you've tried it" she said handing the popcorn bowl to Max.

"Hmm maybe later" he said and continued eating his food. 

They watched two more episodes of Game of Thrones. Max's phone kept buzzing but he didn't answer it and eventually muted it. When they were on the third episode Olivia was already curled up on the couch, close to falling asleep. Max was sitting down on the other end. The rest of the popcorn with M&M's was on the table in front of them. 

Through Olivia's tired eyes she was able to see Max go in for some popcorn.

"You are doing it wrong" she said quietly, she was so tired.

"I'm eating popcorn wrong?" he said with a little laugh.

"You need to grab the popcorn AND the M&M's together in one bite, it's the whole point" she  explained her process to him.

"Fine, let's see" he said grabbing some M&M's from the bowl and eating both things together. Olivia turned to look at his face. His eyes went a little wide and he started nodding, pleased. "oh wow, okay you were right, I've been eating popcorn wrong my entire life" he said.

Olivia laughed "what would you do without me Max?"

"I guess I would wander through life eating popcorn like a regular person Olivia" he said jokingly and chuckled. 

After 20 min into watching the third episode Olivia fell asleep, curled up on the couch. Max stopped the series so she wouldn't miss it and went to the next room for a blanket to cover her. When he was placing the blanket on top of her as quietly as possible, she woke up. She looked up at him with sleepy eyes, trying to open them. 

"Oh sorry, I fell asleep" she said slowly starting to get up.

" It's okay, you can sleep here if you want, or you can take the bed, I can sleep on the couch" he said getting a little nervous, why was he even inviting her to stay? She had a room in that same hotel. 

Olivia smiled "It's okay, I should probably get to my room" she said starting to clean up the table where the leftover snacks were. 

"Yeah, right" said Max helping her pick up everything. "Do you wanna watch more episodes tomorrow? I'm kind of hooked" he said.

"Sure" she said with a smile "I'll just leave my snacks here then" she said taking everything to the kitchen, Max chuckled.


After Olivia got back to her room she got ready for bed and looked at her phone, she hadn't checked it since she went out to the store.



8:43 pm

Hey! I arrived at Jeddah a few hours ago

What are your plans tomorrow?


11:21 pm

Just editing some pictures in the morning

Wanted to do some touristing during the afternoon


11:25 pm

Mind if I come along?


11:26 pm

Of course you should show me around Jeddah


11:27 pm

It's a date then 😉 

Good night Liv


11:27 pm

Good night Charles ✨


Guys I'm really happy that I see more and more people liking this story!! 

This is just a cute filler chapter of Max's and Liv's friendship growing

I wish I could skip forward because I have some really dramatic things in mind, but I need to write this properly haha

So everything will come at the right time! Be patient ❤️

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