43. You're on your own

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Olivia woke up the next day at 6:00 am. She put on some jeans and a white t-shirt, gettin ready to see Max on the roof. She was telling him she was moving on to Mercedes. Seeing him with Ashley and their kid all the time would crush her, and as much as she loved Max and being on the same team as him, she needed to put herself first. 

At 6:20 am she went up the elevator and up the stairs to get on to the roof of the hotel. She expected Max to be there already, he usually was always early but this time she arrived there first. She was a little nervous, staring out to the horizon of beautiful Barcelona. She knew Max had to understand, but it didn't mean it wouldn't be painful for both of them. 

At 6:30 Max still hadn't arrived, Olivia decided to be patient and keep on waiting. It was 6:40, the sun was already low on the sky, pink cotton candy clouds were visible between the buildings, the bright blue sky contrasted with light shades of orange. 6:47 am and Max still was not there. Olivia was not sure he was coming anymore. He was usually early. Maybe he hand't received the letter?

She really didn't want to text him in case Ashley was with him but she figured it was her best option. She took out her phone and took a picture of the orange and blue sky. She made sure the buildings wouldn't be visible in case Ashley saw it, that way she wouldn't be able to know where the photo had been taken for sure. The only visible thing was the sky. Then she wrote "Not coming?" and sent it. 

That is probably okay, she thought. It's not too obvious and someone else wouldn't know what she meant, but Max 100% would. She put the phone back on her back pocket and stared back out to the horizon. Seeing the sunrise over Barcelona was something truly magical. Olivia heard a noise behind her and just as she was about to turn around to look at Max... there was a blow. Olivia felt like her head had split open, the pain was blinding, she started seeing black spots everywhere and fell to the ground. 

Olivia could not think, she tried getting up but the pain on the back of her head made her tumble back down. She started feeling something liquid dripping on her neck. Then she felt how someone grabbed her by the neck of her t-shirt and pulled her upright, slightly choking her with her own t shirt. Olivia's eyes were wide, gasping for air, pulling at her t-shirt's neck until she heard it rip and a little air came through. She gasped. Then she felt the hands. Two hands that enclosed around her throat, she looked in front of her, and among the black spots she was able to see the face of a man. He had his face covered in a black balaclava, and was wearing sunglasses. Olivia could not breath, her face started turning red. She reached out with her arms and desperately tried to claw at the face of the man while her feet tried to kick him as much as she could manage under the circumstances. She managed to  take off his glasses and was stared at by two intense blue eyes, brow furrowed. Olivia was losing her vision, she could only see the outline of the man in the baclava being swallowed by the orange sky. Olivia tried clawing at him even more desperately and managed to remove his balaclava as she scratched the face of the man. She wasn't able to see him without the baclava as the black spots grew bigger, her vision grew dim, until she couldn't see anything anymore. She felt her body hit the ground and heard running footsteps. Then she heard nothing at all. 


Max was woken up by Ashley that morning, he sat up on the living room couch of this suite and looked at her. 

"Max I need you to go get me some green juice" said Ashley casually. 

"What?" said Max confused, he tapped the screen on his phone, it was 6:10am. 

"The baby has this huge craving Max I cannot sleep, I need green juice and I need some breakfast, like some eggs benedict or something".

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