47. The Way Things Were

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They all arrived to Monaco at 11 pm and they were exhausted. First they dropped Liv at her apartment. The apartment had different bedrooms so Pato was gonna stay there to keep an eye on Liv.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" asked Max after they had carried her things inside and she was all settled in bed.

"No, it's fine. Go home and rest, I'll see you tomorrow" she said with a reassuring smile. She had successfully stayed awake the rest of the train ride home and was now dying to sleep. "Besides, Pato has been sleeping all day, he's probably gonna be on the sim all night, he can help me if I need anything" she added.

Max shook his head, Pato's help didn't seem very comforting to him. "If you need anything you can call me alright? I'm just a couple of blocks away" he added.

"I will, I promise" she said. Max leaned in to kiss her and she kissed him back, laying a hand on his cheek. It was a delicate, soft kiss, but it still made Olivia swoon. She smiled brightly at him "Good night".

"Sweet dreams" he said as he stood up from her bed and then gave her another kiss on the forehead before leaving.

After Max left, Pato came in the room to check on Liv. "Hey Liv, do you need anything? Pillows are comfortable? Are you hungry?" he asked.

"I'm good Pato, could you just turn off the lights please? I'm gonna fall asleep now" she said.

"No problem, I'll be on the sim so if you need me just yell" he let her know as he turned off the bedroom lights. Olivia chuckled, she knew him perfectly.

Olivia woke up the next morning to the sound of many voices and a blender. She groggily woke up, realizing she hadn't had any nightmares. She felt relieved and more rested than the day before. She stood up slowly and walked to the kitchen.

Checo, Max and Pato were all talking. Checo was making some green smoothie on the blender.

"What time is it?" said Olivia confused as to why everybody seemed so active during the morning.

"It's 10 am, did you just wake up?" asked Max.

"Yeah" said Olivia rubbing her eyes.

Max walked up to her and kissed her forehead. Olivia smiled. "Any nightmares?" he whispered to her.

"No, I slept really well" said Olivia smiling at him.

"Good, now drink your breakfast" said Checo as he handed her a tall glass filled with something green.

"Thanks" said Olivia, then she took a sip, she nearly spat it back "what the hell is this?" she said trying to not throw up.

"It's a protein smoothie" Checo shrugged "It's got spinach, and carrots, eggs..." .

"Like uncooked eggs?!" interrupted Olivia.

"Yeah, it's protein" said Checo.

"Chequito I love you, thank you for feeding me but I'm not drinking this" she said as she put the smoothie down.

"It cannot be that bad" said Max grabbing the glass and taking a sip. He made a face "Oh God Checo, Olivia is right this is terrible. Do you really drink this?" he said disgusted.

"No, not really, I was just experimenting" said Checo as a smile appeared on his face.


After Olivia had her breakfast, Checo and Max had to leave for media day. When Max was saying goodbye to Liv he said "Hey, do you think it's okay if I spend the night here? I couldn't sleep much anyway last night, while that guy is still out there I don't think I'll be able to rest easy".

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