15. I'm Out

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8:32 pm

Same time, same place tomorrow?


8:34 pm

I'll see you there



Alright, sweet dreams 


Even though they agreed to meet at the rooftop, at 6:52 am there was another quiet knock at Olivia's door. Olivia fully opened the door knowing who was on the other side of it. Max was there to greet her with a soft, sweet smile. 

"Good morning, are you ready?" he said.

"Yeah, sure" she said grabbing her keycard and phone, when she was out the door Max grabbed her hand and Olivia realized he had no idea what was about to happen. He didn't know she was saying no to the relationship with him. She felt a pressure on her chest the entire elevator ride and up the same stairwell as the day before. That pressure was relieved the moment the rooftop's door opened and the orange and pink sunrise was all she could see. 

"It's even better than yesterday" she said stepping out onto the rooftop and walking around looking at the sky. 

Max walked to the ledge while looking around at the sky. Once at the ledge he turned his body to her while still looking up at the sky in admiration. "You know, what I love about sunrises and sunsets is that they never stand still, they change every second, if you take your eyes off of them even for a moment you can miss something truly lovely" then he stopped looking up and looked at Olivia, she noticed this.

She turned to look at him too and came a couple of steps closer "you are gonna miss something truly lovely" she said pushing the bottom of his chin towards the sky with one finger.

"I'm seeing something even more lovely right now" he said looking back at her. He took a step closer to her, lightly grabbed her waist with one hand, her face with the other, and leaned in to kiss her. This kiss was soft and tender,  he caressed her face with one hand while pulling her closer with the other hand on her waist. Olivia closed her arms around his neck and kissed him back, passionately but tenderly at the same time. Max's arms closed around her waist and once he stopped kissing her, he looked back up to the sky and kissed her forehead. 

It was a beautiful moment for Olivia, kissing the person that made her heart skip a beat and opening back her eyes to a vision of him covered in a pink and orange infinite sky. She looked into his eyes and she could see the morning sky reflected in them. He had a soft smile on his face, she couldn't believe she was about to erase that smile, she stayed in that moment for a little longer, trying to hold on to it. She knew that was the last time she would be with Max like this, the last time she would kiss his lips, the last time he would look at her with those eyes. 

She wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tight, he hugged her back, kissed the top of her head and admired the ever changing sunrise. After a few minutes of just holding each other Max broke apart and pulled her closer to the ledge of the building with him. That's when he saw the pain on Olivia's face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he said with a concerned look while he held her face between his hands and made her look up at him. Olivia looked into his eyes, full of worry, and that's when she couldn't hold it in any longer. 

"Max I cannot do this" she said in a voice barely above a whisper. "You need to give your relationship with Ashley chance, I cannot get involved in this. I am not going to be the reason that you two are not together when you have a baby on the way. I jus't can't". 

Max's hands slid from her face to her arms, urging her to look at him "Olivia stop, we can make this work I swear".

"Max, every time we kiss I feel like we are cheating on the mother of your child. I cannot compete with that" she said hopelessly, expecting him to understand.

"There's no competition Olivia! All I think about is you" he said pleadingly into her eyes. She could see the pain behind them and that hurt her even more.

She took a shuddering breath "You are right, there's no competition Max, because I'm out" she said shrugging her shoulders while she felt the tears flood her eyes.

Max let go of her arms in shock and defeat, he took a step back and his gaze dropped to the floor. He took a deep breath, crossing his arms on his chest "well, shit" he said looking away from her.  

"I know" she said quietly, trying to find his eyes again but he wouldn't look at her.

"How am I supposed to do this?" he said still unable to look at her, just turning to the side, staring at the sky.

"Max you are gonna be a great father I honestly believe that" she said wholeheartedly, now that she had said what she was dying to say, the tears in her eyes were almost gone. She new she was doing the right thing, for him and for herself.

"I meant, how am I supposed to be in a relationship with Ashley when I'm falling for somebody else?" he said finally turning to look at her. There was so much pain and hurt behind his eyes.

"You have to give it a try Max" she said slightly shaking her head.

He took another deep breath and turned around towards the ledge and the city's skyline. She walked over next to him and leaned against the ledge. 

"I guess you are right" he finally admitted.

"I usually am" she said jokingly with a small smile.

That finally got a slight smile out of him. After a moment deep in thought he turned to look at her with a furrowed brow "I think I really needed you to say all that". He needed to be brought back to reality, and she was the one that did it. "What do we do now?"

"Well, you are not getting rid of me, we are still gonna see each other everyday, I'm still gonna be at Red Bull, Max" she said.

"It's gonna be tough seeing you everyday, and not being able to be with you" he said, and she could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Yes, at first. But I truly think we can be friends Max" she said honestly "It's gonna suck at the beginning but what other option do we have? Just ignore each other forever? No, I think once these feeling pass, we could be good friends" she said turning to him with a tight lip smile.

"What if they don't pass?" he asked looking at her.

The smile slowly faded from her face "they have to" she said.


I think this has been my favorite chapter. I think it really captures what they feel for each other, what do you think?

What do you think is going to happen with Max and Liv?

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