92. The Parents

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While Max and Olivia where on their way for some good tacos Olivia texted Checo so they would all come with them.

"Hmm he says he can't" said Olivia making a face.

"Why?" asked Max confused, thinking maybe they had something else on the marketing agenda for that night.

"He's having dinner with my parents" said Olivia casually "I guess that's more tacos for us" she turned to look at him with a smile.

"Olivia your parents are already here?" Asked Max incredulously.

"Yeah they got here this afternoon" she shrugged.

"Then why aren't we having dinner with them too? I should meet them" said Max.

"Max you already know them" said Olivia like it was obvious "besides, I want my dinner to be pleasant"

"Oh common it cannot be that bad" said Max trying to convince her.

Olivia laughed "maybe you are right, maybe you haven't met my mother" she said sarcastically. Yes, of course it could be that bad, she thought.

"Olivia we're going to that dinner" he said as he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it "I swear it's going to be fine"

Olivia's face was worried and full of dread, yet she didn't say anything else as Max called Checo to figure out the place for the dinner.

After getting back to the hotel and a quick shower they headed over to the restaurant Cuerno for dinner. Olivia did love that restaurant, so she guessed there was a bright side to the situation.

Olivia was wearing a white short dress, with long sleeves and a low back, she paired it with blue heels and a blue bag. Her makeup was the same natural look as usual.

Once they got to the restaurant everyone was already there and Olivia realized her nephews were not coming, this was an adult-only dinner. Damn it, she thought, she had hoped to at least use her nephews as an excuse to spend less time talking with her mother.

Liv's parents, Checo and Carola stood up from the table to say hello. Liv first went to her father and gave him a hug "hey dad" she said with a smile "how are you?"

"Oli! I'm great kid, I'm excited for this weekend!" He said as he broke apart the hug "what about you?"

"Super excited for the weekend" she said with a smile as she walked over to her mother.

"Hi mom" said Liv as she hugged her mother with a tight lipped smile, trying to remain positive. Maybe now that Max was here she wouldn't act like she usually did. It never stopped her with Pato but she had known Pato since they were young, maybe this time she would behave.

"Not even a 'how are you mom? How have you been?'" she said. Then she squeezed her tight as Liv hugged her, but not affectionately "did you gain weight?"

Liv wanted to leave already " No mom, I haven't, and even if I had it's really non important" she answered dryly as she moved along to Carola, even though she had seen her that day during breakfast she whispered in her ear "save me".

Then she hugged Checo "Chequito I'm sitting next to you" she said.

Liv's father greeted Max excitedly with a big smile and a handshake that turned into a hug "Max! It's so great to see you again! How are you?"

"I'm great sir, it's so nice to see you" said Max with a big smile.

"Sir? No no, don't start calling me sir now, call me Antonio, or Toño" said Liv's father pleasantly.

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