7. Meeting the boys

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The flight to Bahrain was of approximately 7 hours, so the plane was leaving in the morning. Liv had already set a time to be picked up by Charles at 9 am and since Charles had paid for her dinner last night she thought it would be nice to take something for him to eat in the plane. She remembered the delicious croissants she had for breakfast with Emilian. He had said the bakery was downstairs and he only lived a couple of blocks away.

Olivia decided to go there and she started walking towards Emilian's building at 8:30 am, her bags were already at her apartment's lobby being watched by the receptionist and ready to go. While she was walking there  she was only one block away when she took a wrong turn. She was confused for a moment, realized she had to go back but something stoped her. At the end of the block was a 24/7 pharmacy. She wondered 'why did Emilian took so long to come back the other night then? He had an open pharmacy two blocks away'. 

She brushed it off  and went back to the correct street and kept walking towards the bakery. Once she got there she bought a bunch of different types of bread and pastries. She was sure there would be more people on the plane and wanted to get enough for everyone. She knew they probably had food on the plane but these croissants were on another level. She also bought two coffees and a few juices in case they didn't like coffee. One of the coffees was for her, of course. After she paid for everything she was walking back to her apartment with a tote bag filled with fresh pressed juices, a paper bag filled with breakfast and two coffees on a tray on her hand.  

As she got closer to her apartment she got a sinking feeling in her stomach. She was hoping maybe she would run into Emilian at the bakery, but that hadn't happened. She got back to her apartment and stayed at the lobby, a few minutes later a black van arrived. Charles got off from the van, he was sitting in the backseat. 

"Liv! Hello again" he said with a sweet smile "what is all that?" he pointed at the bag filled with bread and the coffees in her hand. The driver from the van got off the car and started helping Liv with her bags.

"Good morning Miss Perez" said the driver.

"Good morning!" she answered with a smile on her face. "thank you" she said to him as he took the bags. "Oh and this is breakfast." Liv said to Charles holding out the bag of croissants "I figured since you paid for my dinner, I could at least pay for your breakfast. Coffee?" she said as she held out the tray with two coffee cups. 

"No way you are too sweet. Thank you, of course" he said as he grabbed the coffee. "I hope you brought a whole lot more coffees because there's like 10 of us on the flight" he said as they walked towards the van. He was obviously kidding but Liv answered anyway:

"There's not coffee for everyone but there is juice, and croissants" she said with a smile. The driver held open de door for Liv.

"You hear that Andrew? I'm getting you a croissant as soon as possible, don't worry" said Charles talking to the driver. 

"Thank you Andrew, and you get to pick first since you carried my bags" said Liv as she got in the car. 

Andrew laughed and Charles said "But I paid for your dinner! I should get to pick first" said Charles indignantly joking. 

"You should've thought about that before letting Andrew carry my bags, Charles" said Liv shrugging her shoulders and handing the croissant bag over to Andrew at the front seat. 

Charles and Liv spent a lot of time talking on their way to the airport, which was half an hour away. Charles was really funny in an unintentional way, he insisted on speaking Spanish but kept making mistakes that would send Liv into an attack of giggles. They both started eating a croissant, and Charles looked at the bag.

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