84. An Open Door

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Lewis loved watching old movies, although Olivia guessed for him they were just 'movies'. Still, she liked watching them with him because otherwise she would have never actually seen them. After they had breakfast and finished the first movie Ava went home, but Liv stayed to watch a second movie. Lewis worked on his laptop as he sat next to her on the couch and watched the movie with her. 


10:37 am

Are you alive again? 


2:23 pm


But alive


2:30 pm

I'll be there in an hour

"Time to go Lew. Thank you for breakfast" said Olivia as she stood up and gave him a hug.

"You are leaving? You can stay for lunch you know" said Lewis as he hugged her back.

"Thanks but I need to shower and go see Max" she said with a smile "I'll see you in a few days in Austin?" she asked.

Lewis smiled back at her "You bet".

Afterwards Olivia got to her apartment and showered, then she walked the few blocks to Max's apartment and grabbed some croissants from the coffee place downstairs to Max's building. The security of the building gave her access with a keycard to Max's floor. She knocked on his door and as soon as he opened it she lunged herself at him, wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her head on his chest.

"Fucking finally" he said as he kissed the top of her head.

Olivia laughed "I missed you too".

Olivia looked up at him brightly and kissed him softly "Did you have fun? How is Dennis' finger?" she said as she walked inside, Max followed and they sat on the couch.

"It was like in a movie. We were all drunk, in the middle of nowhere and this idiot decides to play that game where your hand is on a table and someone tries to stab the table between your fingers" he said as he gestured the movements with his hands as an example "and of course he flinches and the knife goes through his fucking finger!" Olivia's mouth opened in shock "Look" he said as he took out his phone to show Olivia a video of the moment Dennis was playing the knife game, she saw the moment his finger was cut off and they all started screaming, Max was seen in the background covering his mouth in shock. 

"Oh my god" said Olivia shaking her head in disbelief, her brow furrowed "Holly shit".

"Yeah! So we had to go back and take him to the hospital, he was in surgery and they had to sow it back. He's gonna be fine though" Max shrugged it off. 

"Well he got a crazy story and a cool scar to match now" chuckled Olivia.

"Yeah he was super medicated and he kept talking about how he was gonna get 'so much girls' with his scar" laughed Max and Olivia joined him.

"Totally. I mean my scar did get me a pretty hot boyfriend" said Olivia with a teasing smile as she brushed the back of her hair where her scar was. Her hair around her scar was even longer now, but it was still at a very awkward length compared to her long hair.

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