45. What the Doctor Recommends

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Olivia started coughing once the tube was out, her eyes still closed, and her brow started to furrow. Max held on to her feet, that were under a blanket, as he stood at the foot of the bed. 

"I'm gonna go get the doctor, I'll be right back" said the nurse. 

Max got close to Olivia again, standing by her side and placing his hand on top of hers. Please don't have brain damage, please be okay, please no brain damage, he kept thinking as he saw her struggling to wake up. Her eyes started to open groggily, brow slightly furrowed, she looked confused for quite a few seconds as she looked around the place, until her eyes landed on Max. Her brow furrowed even more as she looked him up and down "What the hell happened to you?" she asked with a hoarse and small voice. 

Max chuckled "Oh thank God" he said with a smile as he raised her hand and kissed it. A bright smile appearing on his face. 

A smile appeared on Olivia's face but quickly changed into a pained face "Ouch, why does everything hurt?"

Max slowly put her hand down and and stood over Olivia, looking straight at her while lightly caressing her cheek. "Olivia what do you remember? What happened?" asked Max with a tone of urgency "I found you on the floor of the roof, you were bleeding and unconscious".

Olivia's eyes looked like they were deep in thought "Uhm.." she tried to remember what had happened but everything was still fuzzy, she was having trouble remembering.

"Oh my God Liv!" said Checo as he came in through the door, Carola following him, her eyes still red and watery, and Charles after her. 

"Hey Chequito" said Liv with a smile as she saw her brother coming in. 

Checo let out a nervous laugh "Thank God you are okay" he said shaking his head in disbelief as he put his hand on her shoulder lightly, he was afraid of hurting her. "How are you feeling? What happened?"

The doctor came into the room "Okay everybody, please clear the room while we check on Miss Perez. How are you feeling?" he asked as he got closer to her. 

"I'm not leaving her" said Max decidedly, he was still holding her hand on his, they could tell he was ready to fight with anyone who suggested otherwise. 

The doctor hesitated for a moment and then shook his head "Alright please just sit over there, if it's okay with Miss Perez then you can be here" said the doctor as he turned to Olivia. She showed him a small smile and nodded "it's okay" she said with her hoarse barely audible voice. Max put her hand down slowly and walked over to the couch that was inside the room, he sat there. Checo gave him a strong pat on the back as he and the others left the room. Checo thought it made more sense for him to stay, but he could see how shaken up Max was; and after all, he was the one that found Liv so he guessed it was okay. 

Max sat there and watched as the doctor asked Olivia to take deep breaths while listening to her lungs, as he checked her wounds, heartbeat, blood pressure and pain level. After he was done he called Checo back in and said to all of them, Olivia included "Miss Perez is gonna have to recover from this, it's gonna take some time. That blow to the head you received was serious, I need you to rest, I need it to heal properly" he said as he looked severely at her. 

"The wounds on your hands should heal in a couple of weeks, maximum a month, it's mainly cuts, bruises and a couple damaged nails" said the doctor as he held her hand showing the bandages". As for your neck, the bruising should go away in 2-3 weeks, I'll prescribe something for the pain and the swelling of your head and your airway. You should try to talk the least possible until the swelling goes down. However, the biggest injury is the one on your head, I want you to take some time to rest. Take it easy for about a month, jus rest, stay at home. After a month you can slowly re-incorporate to regular activity, but I don't want you doing any type of straining activities." he said at Olivia. 

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