48. Monaco GP

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Neither Max nor Olivia could sleep well the rest of the night. Max was alone in his apartment worrying if Olivia was okay and wondering why this was all happening to them. Olivia was at her apartment, missing Max next to her and now that he wasn't there anymore she felt less safe. She knew Max would protect her at all costs, and now that she was alone in her room she was scared that the man who assaulted her, Tom Smith, would come look for her. After many hours of laying awake in her bed she decided it was better to go to the living room and watch a movie. She eventually fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Checo woke her up in the morning.

"Morning Liv, what are you doing on the couch?" he asked as he walked over to the kitchen. 

Liv felt like her eyes were on fire, she needed to sleep decently as soon as possible "I couldn't sleep, I kept feeling like somebody was gonna break in" she said as she rubbed her red eyes.

Checo nodded "You know I was thinking about that, I'm gonna tell Pato to go look for some extra locks to place on the door, I don't like you two being here alone with that lunatic still out there". 

Olivia looked at him feeling grateful for her brother "Checo that would be perfect! Thank you!" she said as she stood up and walked over to him and hugged him. Checo smiled and hugged her back. 

"I just want you to feel safe, if you keep getting more injuries there's not gonna be any un-bandaged pieces of you left" he joked. "Hey, where's Max? Is he still asleep?" he added. 

Olivia broke apart the hug "Uh, no, he went home last night" said Liv while walking over to the fridge to pick one of her previously chosen smoothies, so Checo wouldn't pay attention to her face.

"Why?" asked Checo confused.

"He's just... not gonna be around here much more" Olivia didn't know how to explain that he had left because she kept turning him into a murderer in her sleep. 

"Did you guys have a fight or something?" said Checo with his brow furrowed. 

"No, not a fight, he's just giving me some space so I can sort all of this out" she said signaling to her head and then her pillow and blanket on the couch.


After Checo left Pato got ready to leave to buy some security locks. "No wait, don't leave me here" said Liv. 

"Liv you can barely move, you are all bandaged up, I'll be back in an hour I swear" he reassured her. 

Liv didn't want to be alone inside the apartment so she called Ava, who 15 minutes later was at her front door, since she lived close by. 

"Oh my God Liv, what did he do to you?!" she asked  in shock when she first saw Liv. 

"You know, just some cuts and bruises" she said as she walked awkwardly back to the couch since the cuts on her feet hurt. 

"Why can't you walk?! What did he do to your feet?!" she asked worried and surprised. 

"Oh no, that one is on me" said Liv blaming herself for the injuries she got the night before. 

After Pato came back, they called the building's maintenance to install the security locks and Pato even got Liv one of those doorbells where she could see who was outside the door right from her phone. 

Olivia let out a deep sigh "This is amazing Pato I'm gonna sleep so much better, thank you" she said as she squeezed his arm. 

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