13. Mad Max

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After a while sitting with Charles in the Ferrari motor home she felt much better. Everything with Charles was easy, he always made her laugh with silly comments, always had a friendly smile on his face.

"I had such a great time yesterday by the way, I'm sorry Max crashed our date" he said looking truly sorry.

Olivia thought about how she was here crying over a guy with such a messed up situation when there was this other guy right in front of her who was sweet and funny and really liked her.

"Yeah maybe next time we'll go some place outside the hotel, so we don't run into anyone" she said with a small smile.

Charles' face lit up, his smile became bigger "Yeah, maybe we can have dinner again on Saturday, after testing is done".

"Sure, I'd like that" she assured him.


"Where's Liv?" Checo asked Max. "Wasn't she taking your photographs?"

"Yeah, she left but that was a while ago actually" he said while realizing he hadn't seen her for an hour. "I'll go look around for her".

Max went through the garage and did not find Olivia, then he went to the Red Bull motor home and didn't find her either. He was walking through the paddock about to give up and go back to the garage when he looked over to the Ferrari motor home and saw Olivia through the window, she was sitting on a couch inside talking to Charles.

His blood started to boil. He saw Olivia's face when she left the garage and knew that something was wrong but it was way too obvious. He was the problem. That's why he didn't follow her, he thought it would only make things worse. He knew the he had basically dropped a bomb on her and it was an impossible decision, but the fact that she was seeking comfort in Charles made him so angry he didn't realize how long he had been staring at that window. Other people passing by also started looking at the Ferrari motor home. Then Charles grabbed Olivia's hand and held her in a comforting manner. Max felt like running his fist through a wall. He knew Charles liked Olivia, it was obvious, and seeing them together made max furious.

"Isn't that Checo's sister?" he heard a couple of girls from the paddock say.

He realized now that he wasn't the only one staring. He even saw a couple of people take out their phones and take pictures. He wanted to stop them but felt so angry he couldn't move.

Olivia turned her eyes away from Charles and looked at the window where the people passing by were staring, and she saw Max standing there. Max met her eyes, turned around and left, she could see the anger on his face.

Charles turned to the window as well just when someone took out their phones and took a picture of them "Woah, what the hell?" he said.

"I think maybe I should go, this is turning into a circus" said Olivia getting up.

"Are you okay though?" he said getting up with a concerned face.

"Yeah, thank you I really feel much better" she said with a smile. Charles went in for a hug and Olivia held him tight one more time "It's all gonna get better I swear, I have a feeling you are going to love it here".

Once Olivia left the Ferrari motor home there where still a few people outside who had the audacity of striking a picture of them, she just heard Charles say "hey, delete that now please" in a serious tone of voice. She just kept walking back to the Red Bull garage.

"What the fuck is wrong with him today?!" yelled Christian turning to look at the mechanics as Olivia arrived. There was a door slam on one of the back rooms of the garage.

"What's going on?" said Olivia looking around.

"Mad max is back, that's what's going on" said Christian looking stressed.

"Wait, who?" asked Olivia a little confused.

"That's what we call Max when he gets angry. It's better to stay out of the way until he cools off. It's a 'save yourself' type of situation" said one of the engineers.

"Ohh" Olivia said processing the information.

"What does he even have to be mad about?! The season hasn't even started! We got a championship winning car right here!" Christian exclaimed in frustration and signaling to the RB18.

"Yeah, no idea" said Olivia starting to walk away from them "I'm gonna go look for Checo" she said.

She walked over to the driver's rooms and knocked on one of the doors.

"NOT NOW" yelled Max from inside the room.

Olivia opened the door anyway, went inside the room and closed it. Max was pacing in his room, he turned to look at her and quickly exhaled, he was red in the face.

"I don't want to talk right now" he said harshly.

"Well too bad, I'm not giving you the option" she answered back. Max stoped pacing and turned to look at her, he came in closer.

"Did I interrupt? Your little tender moment with Charles?" he said defiantly while looking into her eyes. The usual clear blue skies in his eyes looked like a storm brewing.

"He was helping me calm down. I don't know if you heard, but I had a massive amount of information dumped on me today" she said getting frustrated at him.

"And you go to Charles for that?! Olivia if you were so stressed out about it why didn't you come to me! I know Charles likes you!" he said getting even closer.

"Why does it bother you so much?! We are not together Max, I can talk to whomever I want to" she said looking up at him, he was just inches away.

"I saw him holding your hand" he said with an incredulous laugh.

"And?" she said defiantly.

"AND?" he walked a few more steps in her direction, forcing her to step backwards and bump on the wall. "Olivia it drives me insane, seeing you with him drives me crazy, thinking you two could be together makes me sick in my stomach" he said grabbing her face with his hands. His face changed, he was still red in the face but the look in his eyes turned pleading. She froze in the spot. "I need you, can't you see that?" he said pressing his forehead against hers, she was completely against the wall. "I have needed you for the longest time" he said quietly as he pressed his lips against hers. It wasn't a tender kiss this time, it was passionate, it was like he was grasping for air and she was his oxygen.

He pressed her against the wall and she gave in. He was still holding on to her face, her neck, her hair. She grabbed his torso by the shirt and tried to pull him in even more. She needed him as much as he needed her. But when Max started kissing her neck she realized what she was doing.

"Stop, stop" she said pushing him away. Max took a step back and looked at her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he said.

"Don't apologize" she answered.

"Good, because I'm not actually sorry" he said and there was finally a hint of a smile on his face "I've been thinking about that ever day since I met you" he added.

Olivia stayed silent, she wanted to say that she had been thinking about him everyday, that it crushed her when he never texted her back, that she wanted to be with him. But she couldn't, she felt like they were cheating. Even though Max had said he wasn't back together with Ashley, it felt like they were. Olivia knew what she had to do.

"Can we talk, tomorrow? Right now I should probably get to work before they fire me for leaving all the time and making out with drivers" she said trying to lighten the mood.

"With A driver. You've only made out with one" he said.

"Yes Max I have only kissed you" she said rolling her eyes. A slight smile appeared on his face.

Olivia opened the door and went back to work.


I love Max Mad, do you guys want more Mad Max?

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