40. A Feeling in the Air

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After they were out of the nightclub, Olivia kept walking, pulling Max until they were a bit further away from the entrance and from everybody else's ears. She came to a stop and turned to look at Max.

"Okay, explain" she said seriously "Max what are you doing here?"

Max started pacing a little from side to side "You cannot be with him Olivia" he said shaking his head.

"With Pato?" said Olivia just waiting for confirmation.

"He doesn't deserve you, he's going to hurt you again" said Max still shaking his head. He stopped pacing and stood in front of her.

Olivia tilted her head to the side, now that she was seeing Max clearly she could see how hurt he looked. She didn't understand why he was suddenly getting so upset about it, he had known she had been there the entire week, then she realized.

Her mouth opened slightly in realization "Ohh, you saw the picture".

Max looked up over Olivia's head, avoiding her eyes.

"The picture of Pato and me kissing, you saw it?" asked Olivia again.

"Yeah" he paused "and then you said you didn't remember last night and I swear Olivia if he laid a hand on you..!" he started getting worked up again.

"Max! Relax, nothing happened" said Olivia grabbing his arms, trying to keep him calm. "It was just a silly kiss, it was nothing" she said reassuringly. She knew Max had no right to get this upset about her kissing her ex boyfriend but she thought it was incredibly touching that he had thought something bad had happened to her and he had hopped on the first flight to get to her.

Max looked into Olivia's eyes, she was telling him the truth. He took a deep breath and looked down for a moment and then back up at her "But then just now he kept trying to kiss you Olivia, you clearly didn't want that, I saw it!" he said signaling back to the club, the images in his head made the rage come back.

"Don't you have a girlfriend of your own? I suggest you stick to your own relationship Max and stop meddling in mine" said Pato as he walked to them from the club.

"He's not meddling Pato" said Liv brushing it off.

"Of course he is Liv! I saw the trophy! And he texts you everyday!" said Pato. Olivia's brow furrowed and she turned to look at Pato confused, her mouth gaped a little. "Just so you know next time Max, if she's with me that night I'll make sure she gets home okay, you just go and worry about your own girlfriend."

Max was furious again, you could see it in his face "Oh really?! I don't have to worry about her sleeping in a cell?!" he yelled at Pato, taking steps towards him.

Pato looked taken aback, he turned to Liv "You told him?!" he asked incredulously.

"You went through my stuff?! You read my texts?!" said Olivia indignantly, she couldn't believe Pato had really done that. It was a total invasion of her privacy and they weren't even together. He had no right at all.

"No, no, Liv.." Pato saw Liv's face and knew he had screwed up, his face turned pleading and he reached out to grab her hand. Max pushed him away "Don't you fucking touch her" said Max with an edge in his voice.

"What is your fucking problem!" yelled Pato at Max.

"You, you are my problem! Olivia deserves better than you" said Max seriously, still getting closer to Pato.

"And I suppose that's you?" asked Pato sarcastically.

"When did you see the trophy?" said Liv calmly, her mind was racing, analyzing everything that was happening and Pato's extra-caring behavior for the last week.

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