85. The Boyfriend

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Max and Olivia tried to stay up most of the flight, Olivia kept drinking coffee and Max kept drinking Red Bull. By the time they would arrive to Austin it would be nighttime there, but 5am for Max and Olivia. They were determined to sleep soundly when they arrived. 

"I can't wait to see Emilio" said Olivia excited as she looked at the pictures Checo had sent her that day. Checo, Carola and the kids had flown that afternoon to Austin so they would already be there when Max and Liv arrived. Since they were going to Mexico afterwards, the whole family would be in Austin. 

"We should go to dinner or something, all of us" said Max. 

Olivia smiled brightly "Yes I'd love that, I'll tell Checo, we can go tomorrow before the race weekend starts".

That night Olivia and Max arrived to their hotel exhausted and dragging their feet. As soon as their bodies hit the bed they fell asleep, even with the high doses of caffeine still left in their systems. The next morning they woke up early as they usually did. The pink sunrise illuminated their room as they laid in the bed looking out the window. 

They showered and walked downstairs to the restaurant and as soon as they entered they heard high-pitch screaming "Liv!!! Auntie Liv!" yelled little Carlota as her and Checo Jr. ran to her. As soon as Liv spotted them she ran to meet them half way. 

"You're here!" she yelled back in excitement after seeing her nephew and niece. As soon as she reached them she got down on her knees and hugged them both, one on each arm as they hugged her back. 

Olivia stood back up, carrying Carlota in her arms as Max caught up to them with a smile "Hola!" he said brightly to the kids. Olivia turned to him with a smile. Max didn't speak spanish but it was sweet he was trying for her niece who was too young to understand more than the very very minimal english.

Olivia spoke to her niece in Spanish "Do you remember him? From Miami? It's Max" 

Carlota nodded profusely "Yes I know Maxie".

Olivia laughed "Oh okay" said Olivia as she turned to Max and translated, Max chuckled and his face got slightly blushed. 

Max, Olivia and the kids walked back to the table where Checo, Carola and baby Emilio sat. Olivia put down Carlota to go say hi to them "Oh my god why is he getting so big, I did not gave him permission!" said Olivia when she saw her baby nephew who was now 6 months old. "Please tell me you remember me" said Olivia as she greeted him with a smile and extended her hands towards him, wanting to carry him. To her surprise, baby Emilio extended his arms towards her and Olivia excitedly carried him right away.

"Where is my hug though?" said Carola as Olivia took her baby and sat in front of her, across the table. 

"Yeah I didn't even get a hello" said Checo.

Max sat next to Olivia laughing "Well I'm sorry but babies are priority" said Liv as she sat baby Emi on her legs and he started playing with her sun necklace. "If you keep having so much babies expect it to be like this" she joked. 

Carola's eyes went wide "So babies are a priority huh?" she said trying to suppress a smile. 

"Anything you two want to tell us Max?" joked Checo going along.

"Oh dear" Max laughed nervously "If there is this would be the first time I heard about it too". 

"Calm down everyone I'm not pregnant" she looked down at the loose blouse she was wearing "but I'm never wearing this blouse again thank you very much". 

They laughed "You look lovely as always" said Max leaning towards Olivia, she met him halfway and gave him a quick little kiss.

The kids gasped for air in shock "Eww" said Checo Jr. 

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