100. The Blow

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Upon Olivia's request, which Max was happy to oblige, they all stayed at a hotel. She didn't want to spend the night in her mother's house. So when the time came for the baptism, they arrived directly to the ceremony. Carlos and Charles had stayed behind and would be arriving for the party, the church ceremony was only for close family. The kids were there and they spotted Max and Olivia right away outside the church.

"Maxie!" yelled out little Carlota as she saw them arrive. To Olivia's surprise, both kids ran to them, or more accurately.. both kids ran to Max.

"What's up S?" said Max as Checo Jr. reached him running and hugged one of Max's legs before giving him his little fist for a fist bump. Max bumped his fist and Carlota reached him running, Max reacted just in time to lift her in the air before she smashed into his legs. 

"Hey C!" he said with a smile as he lifted the little girl in the air. Olivia was crouched down with her arms open, ready to receive the hugs she expected from her nephew and niece, when she saw them run to Max instead of her. Her mouth dropped open in shock. 

"The betrayal!" she said indignantly as she turned to look at them "Where is my hug?!".

Carlota was playing with Max's cheeks and giggled, but Checo Jr immediately left Max's side and went over to Olivia for a hug. Olivia hugged her nephew tightly "Okay you are forgiven Chequito" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek "Carlota however, might just get coal from Santa this Christmas" she joked.

"WHY" Carlota was alert right away.

"For breaking your aunt's heart" said Liv pretending to be extra hurt while Checo Jr. still had his arms around her.  

"Noo!" she stirred around so Max would drop her on the ground and ran the couple of steps to Liv and hugged her. 

"Emotional blackmail? Seriously Olivia?" laughed Max.

"Desperate times" she shrugged as both kids hugged her. 

"You're diabolical" he laughed.

"Then I guess I should be worried that I'm about to walk into a church right?" she joked as she stood back up. 

They greeted the rest of her family, including her mother. Carola looked beautiful dressed in white along with baby Emi. 

Checo beamed as he saw them "You made it! If I have to be honest I wasn't 100% sure you were going to show to the mass".

"Why would you think that?!" said Liv indignantly.

"I told him you wouldn't miss it" smiled Carola.

"Of course I wouldn't! It's Livo's baptism, I wouldn't miss this for the world" said Liv.

They laughed but Max looked confused "Wait, Livo?".

"That's Emi" clarified Olivia.

"No it's not" Checo shook his head. 

"I mean... it kind of is" shrugged Olivia.

"It definitely isn't" said Carola turning to Max. 

"They won't name a child after me" said Olivia turning to Max.

He started laughing "I'm glad, Livo sounds like a terrible name love" he said.

Olivia gasped "Wow, first the kids run to Max instead of me and now this, today brings a lot of low blows". Max laughed and kissed the top of her head before they all headed into the church. 

The ceremony was short and Max did not understand most of it. His spanish was getting much better though. Although he had learned conversational spanish, and not any biblical spanish. And at least it was better than Olivia's dutch, which she was learning from Duolingo. It also didn't matter, he wasn't the only one who didn't follow the mass, Olivia sat next to him and stayed silent as everyone else recited words he did not understand. She turned to him and smiled reassuringly as the entire church crossed over their foreheads and chests. Max and Olivia weren't exactly part of the mass, they were just there for Emilio. 

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