24. Back to Monaco

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When Olivia woke up the next morning she was lying in Max's bed, Max was asleep behind her, wrapping one of his arms around her, keeping her close. It took her a moment to remember what had happened the night before but she laid right there as the memories came back to her. It was all a little confusing but she thought she remembered everything: the drinks, the talk on the elevator, Max had confessed he thought about her all the time, she had done the same and then she came back to his room and they had slept together without "sleeping together". 

Olivia's head felt heavy and tired but Max's arms around her were incredibly comforting. She moved a little closer to him and he instinctively did the same, holding her even tighter even though his eyes were still closed, he was still asleep.

Olivia fell asleep again lying with Max like that but about half an hour later there was an incredibly loud banging on the door and it startled both of them, they woke up immediately.

"Max? Open up mate I can't find Liv!" Checo continued knocking "Max! Is Liv here? " he yelled through the door.

Olivia and Max looked at each other with wide eyes and surprised faces. Olivia brought one finger to the middle of her mouth, urging him to keep this a secret while she shaked her head no. Then she got out of the bed and quickly went to hide in the kitchen. Checo continued knocking loudly, Max got up very disoriented and with a big headache, he walked over to the door and opened it. 

A very angry Checo was at the door, he was already showered "Mate I cannot find Liv" he said inviting himself into Max's room "we were supposed to have breakfast together but that was two hours ago and she didn't show, I texted her and she doesn't even receive the texts, I went up to her room and she's not there" he said as he looked around Max's room, it was messy but he didn't find Liv or anything that belonged to her. She had taken her dress and phone when she ran out of the room. 

"Do you know where she is? At what time did she leave last night?" said Checo looking very concerned and still looking around Max's room and walking over to the room next door where the kitchen and living room were. 

Max had to think quickly "Uh yeah, we talked very early in the morning I believe she said she was going for a run" 

"A run?" said Checo not quite believing Max. 

"Yeah you know she wanted to sweat out the alcohol or something" he said shrugging "she probably ran out of battery Checo you know she never charges her phone" he added.

"Yeah that's true, but when did you talk to her again?" asked Checo not fully convinced yet.

"In the morning, I just went downstairs to buy a gatorade and she was leaving the lobby" he nodded with serious face. This seemed to convince Checo.

"Oh alright, man Liv is going to give me a heart attack one of this days" he said shaking his head  in disbelief and walking back towards the door.

Max forced out a chuckle "yeah she truly is something" he said.

"Oh and what we talked about yesterday, please don't take it the wrong way I'm just looking out for my sister. But are we good?" Checo said to Max.

Max hadn't even had time to collect his memories from the night before but it suddenly came back to him, Checo had asked him to stay away from Olivia. 

"Don't worry mate, I need to get my shit together" Max nodded "Oh and by the way, Olivia did ask me for a ride back to Monaco so we will go back later on tonight".

"Yeah she told me about it. I have to get to the airport but please tell Liv to call me" said Checo as he left

Once Checo left and Max heard the elevator on the hallway he walked back to the kitchen and living room "Olivia?" he called out for her.

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