37. Sweet 25

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The private salon of the restaurant had multiple tables on which different groups were sat down having dinner. Liv spent some time in each of the tables: some time with Pato, Ava and her family; then she went to the drivers table to spend some time with Lewis, Max, Charles, Carlos, Lando, Danny Ric, Lance, etc.; then she even spent some time at the few Red Bull tables. Every time she sat in one of these tables somebody would get her a drink so by the time dinner was over she was a bit tipsy.

Liv was back at the driver's table, where her family, Pato and Ava had joined her. Pato stood up to go to the bathroom for a moment and after a minute or two he came back with a cake in his hands, candles sparkling, and he placed it in front of Liv. Everybody sang happy birthday to Liv and she felt so touched that they would all be there to celebrate her birthday. She also felt really grateful for Checo and Carola, who had orchestrated everything even though she had said she didn't want a celebration, simply because they wanted her to have a special day.

"Make a wish!" said Checo after the birthday song was over. Olivia looked around at the room filled with people she cared about. Her eyes landed on Max just a few seats away from her on the same table. She didn't wish anything for herself that night, but she did make a wish and blew the candles.

After dinner was over, Liv was still at the driver's table, where Pato was laughing and having a great conversation with Charles and Carlos as Liv talked to Lewis and Ava. Max was across the room getting a drink from the bar when Checo joined him to get another tequila.

"Hey mate" said Checo with a smile.

"Hey mate, this is truly lovely by the way, Olivia looks so happy" said Max with a smile while he looked at her from across the room.

Checo followed Max's gaze "Yeah she really does, I'm glad" he said truly happy.

Then Checo realized Max wasn't looking at Liv anymore, but had instead turned to Pato who was laughing with the Ferrari boys on the corner of the table.

"Everything alright Max?" asked Checo curiously.

"I just don't see it, what is so great about the guy that everybody seems to love him immediately?" asked Max with a note of frustration on his voice, mixed with jealousy.

Checo shrugged "Pato is a great guy, you would realize that if you stopped being so jealous of him" he said honestly with a little smile on his face, the truth was harsh.

"I'm not jealous. Okay, but seriously though, can you just tell me one thing you don't like about the guy? Just one thing." said Max lifting one finger.

Checo thought for a moment "I guess there is one thing".

Max was more attentive than ever "What? What is it?".

"I guess when Liv was with him she got in a lot more trouble" said Checo deep in thought as he looked across the room to Pato and then to Liv "You know Liv has been doing great since she got here; but when she was living in the U.S. and she was with Pato she would party too much, drink a lot, she was very irresponsible, got in a shit of trouble. Pato is a great guy, but he's very extroverted, always the life of the party. Sometimes I felt like Liv was just trying to keep up with him" reflected Checo "It's like after they broke up that just stopped" said Checo looking back at Max.

Finally, thought Max. But then Checo added "Although Liv was also younger, they were together many years, I would not like to blame Pato for that. Maybe she just grew up" he said with a shrug as the barman brought over both of their drinks.

"You almost had me there Checo" said Max.

They clinked their glasses and took a sip as Carola stood up from the table "Liv I think we should open your gifts!" she said happily. She walked over to a table on the entrance of the room where a pile of gifts stood, ready to pick them up. Checo walked there quickly and helped her so she could sit down, Charles and Fernando stood up to help him and they brought the pile of gifts to the table where Liv was sitting.

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