60. Fool Me Twice

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Olivia was discharged early in the morning, the police came over as she was picking up her things and Checo signed her discharge papers.

"Miss Perez we would like a word with you for a moment" said one of the officers as they looked around at Max and Checo.

"Sure, it's okay they can stay" said Liv as she sat back down on the bed. 

"We want you to know that Tom Smith remains under our custody and we are in constant contact with the Spanish authorities" they said seriously "so far he has confessed the assault but refused to talk about the details, and there's a lot of holes in his story" they said.

"What do you mean with holes?" asked Max. 

"It doesn't make a lot of sense that an American would travel to the other side of the world, attack Miss Perez and then fall off the radar completely for months. Only to come back with full resources" said the officer as he shook his head. 

"I don't understand, I know it was him!" said Liv getting shaken up.

"We don't doubt that at all. We just don't think he did it alone. Where was he during those months he was missing? How did he make ends meet? We are trying to get as much information out of him but he's not very cooperative" said the officer. 

Olivia turned to look at Max, who was deep in thought. He saw Olivia looking at him with a pleading look "Olivia no, it wasn't".

"Ashley Williams" said Liv confidently, turning to look at the officers and not allowing Max a chance to finish "She could've been the one that helped him".

"The police in Barcelona didn't find any connection" said Max slightly mad. 

"But now that you have Smith maybe you can find it" said Olivia, she was serious. "She has made indirect threats about me in the past, it's a possibility". She knew Ashley was behind this and the fact that Max was falling for her act meant she was just that good. 

The police wrote her name down "We'll make sure we look into it Ms. Perez. Oh and we also think this is yours" said the officer handing her her phone on a ziplock bag. Her screensaver was a picture of her family in Vallarta during the summer.

"Oh my god, where was this?!" asked Olivia excited to see her phone back. 

"We found it when we body searched Tom Smith, it seems like he used it to ask for a key card to your room" said the officer. "He was already inside waiting for you when you arrived".

Olivia was confused "but how did he get it?".

"He did confess to that" said the officer "Apparently you left it on a table at the restaurant's coat check and he just took it." Olivia's mouth slowly dropped open as she started feeling very very stupid. She always forgets her phone everywhere, but she never thought it could lead to this.

"Wait so he was at the restaurant?!" asked Max.

The police told them everything they knew so far: After Olivia's video with Jos Verstappen, the weekend the news announced she was back at F1, Tom Smith planned his second attack. He traveled to Belgium, they are unsure as to how or from where. He attended the Grand Prix, already knew where the team was staying and where they would have dinner. He was already at the restaurant when Olivia and Max got there, he was closer than they ever realized, behind them at the coat check line. That's when he took Olivia's phone, after that he messaged the hotel's concierge and asked for them to leave a key out for him, under a fake ID which the police don't know how he got.

So for him it was easy, he went into the hotel before the police patrol was even called, got a key to Olivia's room with his fake ID and waited for her in her room. When he heard the door open he attacked her once again, Max and Olivia knew the rest. 

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