58. Everybody Talks

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Olivia woke up the next morning feeling incredible, because waking up with Max's arms around her was the best feeling. She stayed there a little longer just because she didn't want it to end. Eventually she turned around and faced a groggy Max. Olivia placed her hand on his cheek and one leg around his hip, pulling him in closer. A smile appeared on his face as they laid face to face and Olivia lightly caressed his cheek with her thumb.

"Good morning" she whispered.

"Incredible morning" he said as he wrapped one arm around her waist and and held her tight. They laid like that for a moment.

"How did you sleep?" asked Max.

"Best sleep I've had in a long time" she said honestly. Max smiled.

"Do you wanna go get some breakfast?" he asked her.

"Not really, I wanna stay here" she said as she tightened the grip on him with her leg. Max chuckled.

"That can be easily arranged" he said as he came in closer to kiss her lightly on her lips. He started to lightly move his hand up and down her thigh and Olivia brought her face even closer and kissed him again. After a kiss came another, and then another, it didn't take long for them to start repeating what they had done the night before.

Afterwards Olivia was having a shower while Max ordered room service. When Olivia got out of the shower she was just wearing a robe, she sat in Max's bed. "Hey do you not see the sunrise anymore?" she asked him curiously "Do you still go up to the roofs?".

Max raised his arm so she could cuddle up to him, and she did. "No, not since Barcelona" he said somberly "it just has a bitter taste now, you know?"

Olivia nodded "Yeah, but I kind of miss it though".

"As much as I loved watching the sunrises, it is even better to wake up next to you" he said as he kissed her forehead.

She chuckled "Yeah, this kicks the roof's ass" she said with a smile as she turned to give him a kiss.

Once the food was there they were having breakfast on the kitchen's island. "So who are we telling about this?" asked Olivia pointing with her finger to both of them.

"Well I just don't want Ashley to know until we can be sure it's completely safe. But I don't care if anybody else knows" Max shrugged.

Olivia agreed "So let's just keep it away from the cameras but it doesn't matter if our friends know".

"Perfect" said Max with a smile.

After breakfast Olivia put on her last night clothes and took the elevator to go down to her room and get changed for the paddock. On the elevator she found Lewis.

"Morning Liv" he said with a smile.

"Good morning Lew" she said happily as she pressed the button for her floor.

"You look really nice Liv" he said looking at her backless top and heels "Wait, are you wearing that to the paddock?" he asked confused.

Olivia giggled "No Lew, I'll leave the fashion statements to you. I'm gonna change".

Lewis chuckled at the 'fashion statements' phrase then as the elevator doors opened on Olivia's floor and she walked out, he realized something and called out "Olivia Perez are you walk of shaming?!" he said loudly while a laugh escaped him. Olivia just turned back at him and started laughing as well.

As the doors of the elevator closed she said "No shame Lew, just a walk".


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