9. The Paddock

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The news of Max having a girlfriend hit Olivia like a truck. That may be the reason why he lied about his name, he probably didn't want her finding out about this. She felt like she wanted to throw up, she felt disgusted. 

"I'm gonna go get some water, it's so hot in here" she said looking at Checo and she exited the garage leaving Max and Checo behind. The sun was hot as she walked through the paddock. She wasn't sure where she was going but she knew if she stayed in the Red Bull garage any longer she would throw up. 

"Liv, hey!" a friendly voice called up to her. 

She turned and saw Charles jogging to her. She forced a smile on her face. "Hey Charles".

"Are you okay? You look a little pale" he said.

"Yeah, it's just the heat, it's getting to me" she said as an excuse.

"Well I just wanted to ask you, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? Maybe some good food would make you feel a little bit better?" he asked her with a smile on his face.

Liv was taken aback, this was a lot of information all at once. 

"I'm not sure Checo would like it if I go on a date with a driver on my first day working here" she said.

"Well, let's keep it simple, we'll have dinner at the hotel restaurant and if Checo sees us we'll just tell him we ran into each other" he said.

She took one look at his face and gave in. "Alright then, let's do that" she conceded with a smile.


Back at the garage, Checo left Max by himself to go talk with some mechanics. Max needed to talk to Olivia and explain, so he walked outside to look for her. It didn't take long for him to find her talking to Charles and laughing. 

He had this hot feeling in his throat, and his hands turned into fists. He didn't even realize he was quickly walking towards them until they turned to look at him. Olivia's smile vanished from her face the moment she saw him and he could tell her guard was up immediately. One look into her dark eyes and he eased up, he released his fists and tried to play it off.

"Hey guys, Charles you already met Olivia?" asked Max turning to Charles.

"Olivia? Ohh I like that, I've just been calling you Liv" he said turning to her "yes we met the other day in Monaco and Checo asked me to give her a ride to Bahrain so she flew with us" he added to Max. 

Max wondered why Checo hadn't asked him to take Olivia with him, why had he asked Charles? Yes, they flew to the U.K. first but Checo was also there, she could've gone with them. Maybe none of this mess would be happening if Checo had simply asked Max for a jet ride. 

"Everybody just calls me Liv" she said with a small smile. 

"Yes apparently nobody knows your name is Olivia" said Max a little bit annoyed since meeting her by Olivia also felt like a lie even though he knew it technically wasn't. But if she had introduced herself as Liv that first night, then Max would've probably asked if she was that Liv, Checo's little sister Liv. But now they were here and he couldn't take his eyes off of her and he couldn't think straight. 

"Liv is just easier to pronounce I guess" she said a little annoyed too. 

"I like Olivia more" said Max, there was something harsh in his tone of voice. 

"I bet you do" whispered Liv, it was barely audible but Max heard it. 

"Yeah yeah, I like Olivia a lot too, I think I'm gonna start calling you that" said Charles happily, clueless to what was actually going on between the other two. 

Max immediately turned to Charles, he didn't like the idea of him calling her Olivia. "Although Liv is easier to pronounce" he said stuttering a little. It was like 'Liv' was somebody everybody knew now but 'Olivia' was someone only he had met, someone who had made him feel things he never had before, that was his Olivia. 

"Charles, common, team meeting!" yelled Carlos from Ferrari's garage. 

"Alright I have to go, see you at 8 then?" he said turning to Liv. 

"Sure, see you there" said Liv with a slight smile.

Charles smiled and turned to go to the Ferrari garage.

Max turned to Olivia again "what happens at 8?" he asked confused.

"You have a girlfriend?!" she asked raising her voice at him again but not enough for everyone to hear. 

"What happens at 8?" he asked again firmly.

"We are having dinner, whatever. You have a girlfriend" she said making an emphasis on the last part. 

Max felt his blood starting to boil. A mixture of pain, anger and guilt. "But I didn't have one that night, I swear. Can we talk about this, please?" he said pleadingly.

Olivia was fuming but she also really needed an explanation "Okay fine" she answered.

"Max, get in here please!" yelled Christian from the Red Bull garage.

"Tonight at 8?" asked Max turning to Olivia and trying to get her out of dinner with Charles.

"Seriously? NO." she said with an annoyed look on her face and walked back to the Red Bull motor home, she picked up her things and left. Christian had told her to begin working the next day anyway. 

Instead of going back to the hotel she decided to do a little sight seeing around the city to get her mind off of Max. She had lunch at a restaurant overlooking the beach and walked around for hours, even bought a cute dress she found at a local store. She was going to wear it tonight during dinner with Charles.  She got back to the hotel at 7pm and was in a hurry to have a shower and get ready for dinner. She received a text.



7:15 pm

Can we talk?


7:20 pm

I'm busy


7:20 pm

Seriously Olivia, it's not what you think

I didn't have a girlfriend when we met



Still busy


A short chapter :) 

What do you guys think about Max and Olivia? What do you think will happen next, what is Max's excuse?

Also, I did not add Kelly into de story because I thought adding P would be messy, so it's a different girlfriend and I named her Ashley. 

What do you think will happen at Olivia's dinner with Charles?

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