42. Spanish GP

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To Olivia's dismay, Ashley was in Barcelona for the Grand Prix weekend. On Thursday, as Olivia was having breakfast with Carola, the kids and Checo (who were all thankfully there to see the race) she came over with a huge smile on her face.

"Liv! I'm so glad to see you!" she said in a high pitch tone as she approached the table. 

"Oh god" whispered Liv when she saw Ashley start to walk toward her. "Hey Ashley" she said without any sort of smile on her face.

"Liv I wanted to talk to you actually, it's important. Can we talk after breakfast?" asked Ashley gettin a lot more serious. Liv felt a chill, maybe she should make sure it happened somewhere with lots of witnesses. 

"Okay, just come over to the table when you are done eating, we'll talk" said Liv trying to not sound terrified. 

"Oh no, not here, a lot of people could overhear" she said making a face.

"Uhm, there's this coffee place down the street, what about there?" asked Liv.

"No, no, this is really private. Just come up to our room okay? I'll text you which one it is" said Ashley with a smile on her face again. Damn it, thought Liv. Ashley didn't even wait for an answer, she just smiled and walked away to the table were Max was seated. At his table Max looked over to Olivia, an inquisitive look on his face. Olivia just shrugged very slightly with a confused look on her face. 

"She seems nice" said Carola with a smile.

"Oh she isn't, I suggest we all stay clear" said Liv.

"Really? She is always very nice to me" said Checo confused.

Liv rolled her eyes and let out a sigh "of course she is". Liv had known it since the moment she met Ashley: she was the type of person who goes after people with status, power or money. She had paid no mind to Liv until she found out she was Checo's sister and then she wanted to be best friends. It was no surprise she was like that with Checo too, her clueless brother did not stand a chance.


Once Olivia was done with breakfast she stayed there a bit longer to finish her coffee. Max and Ashley had already left and Ashley had texted Liv her room number. Olivia went up the elevator and up to that room thinking she was about to enter a confrontation, with her mindset ready to defend herself. She pressed the doorbell to their suite and Max opened the door.

"Olivia" he said with a smile, Olivia couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey, uhm Ashley wanted to see me I guess" said Olivia with a shrug but not even that could erase the smile that had formed on her face. 

It erased Max's though. "What? What for?" he asked. His protective instinct kicking in.

Olivia shrugged "I'm not sure".

"Is that Liv?" they heard Ashley call out from the bedroom. "Tell her to come in, I'll be there in a sec!" 

Max stepped aside so Olivia could come in through the door and when she did he quickly grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight, a reassuring smile on his face. Olivia knew he was there for her.

Olivia sat on the couch in the living room. 

"Do you want something to drink?" asked Max from the adjoining kitchen.

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