57. A Definition

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The next day Olivia was walking down the paddock to the motor home when Carlos called out to her "LIV!" she heard him say, she turned around and he jogged to her.

"Hey Chilli" said Liv with a smile.

"Liv I wanted to show you this video, I wasn't sure it was you at first but now I know it 100% is" he said as he got his phone out and looked for something "It's hilarious" he added as he started giggling.

He opened TikTok on his phone and looked for his saved videos as she showed Liv his screen. He showed her a TikTok. Olivia gasped as she saw it, covering her mouth in shock with both hands.

It was a video of a club, people were talking in Spanish, there was a group of people around a club table, Liv and Pato where one of them. You could hear Liv talking loudly over the music to the girl next to her saying "Nooo we are just friends, we are just friends" she slurred her words. Pato nodded profusely next to her. Then the video cuts to Liv and Pato making out, the rest of the table cheering for them. Then they stop kissing and they are both laughing like it was something hilarious. The video had a caption in Spanish that said "When they say they're just friends 🤡". It had 575k likes. It only lasted a few seconds, it didn't mention anything about who Liv or Pato were, the camera moved a lot and the club lights made them difficult to recognize. But she knew, she knew it was them.

"It's you isn't it?!" asked Carlos as he laughed "You and Pato?".

Olivia turned around to see if anybody around them could hear, she saw Max and Checo walking their way to the motorhome. Liv turned to Carlos with a sense of urgency "Carlos you cannot show this to anyone!" she said very seriously.

Carlos' smile went away "But, Liv.." he started.

"NO! But nothing! No one can see this alright?!" she said as she grabbed his phone and locked the screen.

"Hey Carlos" said Checo as he and Max walked to them.

"Hey you two" said Max with a small smile.

"Hey guys. Let's go, I was on my way to the motorhome too" said Liv as she gave Carlos his phone back and started walking with Checo and Max.


After media day was over, Olivia went to her hotel room and had a shower to get ready for whatever Max had planned. She didn't even know what they were doing so it was hard to choose something to wear. Since she didn't have a lot of options for that specific weather she chose to wear a pair of blue jeans with a backless satin red top, a black biker leather jacket she bought the day before and black strappy heels. She did her hair in loose waves, had her usual makeup with brown eyeliner and a blush that highlighted her sun-kissed skin.

At 7:55 pm there was a knock on her door. Max had already asked for her room number so she knew it was him. She opened the door, jacket in one hand, purse in the other, a smile appeared on her face as soon as she saw him. Max was wearing dark jeans, a white t-shirt and a black racer leather jacket.

"Hey Olivia" he said with a smile.

"Hi Max" she said, she couldn't erase the smile from her face.

They took the elevator downstairs where a car was already waiting at the front door. It was a beautiful red Porsche. Max opened Olivia's door for her and she got in, he walked over to the drivers side and got in the car. "So what are we gonna do?" asked Olivia.

"We are going on a date Olivia" said Max with a smile as he started driving. A smile grew on Olivia's face. She couldn't believe that this was the first time they were going to have a proper date.

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