99. Sandy

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The week went by faster than Olivia would've wanted it to.  Through the days they started creating their whole little routine. The boys would go train in the morning to the gym, meanwhile Olivia was out running by the beach. The gym was fully packed for a Formula 1 driver training so that came in handy for them. Afterwards they would have breakfast in the long wooden table of the terrace before heading to the beach. 

Carlos tried teaching Liv how to make his favorite pancakes on Tuesday.

"Geez Liv what did you do to the pancakes!" said Charles as he couldn't contain his laughter while watching Liv trying to form pancakes on the pan.

"They look completely wrong! I don't know how you did that, I was right here!" said Carlos blown away.

"I told you guys, you should've listened to me" shrugged Max as he sat on top of the counter and saw the whole process.

Olivia looked stressed "Just give me a shot! They may not look so good but I bet the taste is the same".

Afterwards they sat on the wooden table and everybody tried Olivia's pancakes. They were crooked, mostly broken to pieces, and flat. 

Max was trying to swallow his bite without making a face, after he swallowed he turned to look at the other two guys "So, who's gonna tell her?".

"Liv these are supposed to be fluffy, how did you manage to make them into tortillas?" said Carlos while shaking his head disappointed.

Charles still had pancake in his mouth when he said "I'm so sorry Liv I cannot do it" he spat it into a napkin. 

Liv's face was unamused as they all refused to eat her food.  After that they didn't allow Liv in the kitchen anymore.


Wednesday morning Max decided to join Olivia on her morning run to get some cardio in. 

"Really? You're coming?" said Olivia brightly as Max got his workout clothes on. 

"Yeah sure, I mean I also need my cardio and I can be your new running partner" he shrugged. Olivia wasn't sure if Max was trying to replace Lewis permanently. However, she didn't have to worry about that for long. They went out to the beach and they started running. It didn't take that long for Max to hate it.

"There's sand in my shoes" he said as he stopped and shook his feet to get the sand out. 

Olivia laughed "Yeah, that tends to happen when you run in the sand love".

"Yeah, okay" he said defeated as he started running again to catch up to her. 

A few more minutes went by "So you just run like this? It's so uncomfortable" he said while making a face.

"Just don't think about it too much, focus on something else" she tried to encourage him. 

"Alright yeah, I can do that" he said as they kept running. 

Five minutes later "Nope, no, no, no. Sorry love I'm going back. Have fun on this run from hell" he said as he turned around and went back to the house. 

Olivia started laughing and stopped running "Seriously?" she called out as Max walked away "what happened to being my running partner?".

"Well there's always Lewis for that I guess" Max called out as he kept shaking off his feet to get rid of the sand in his shoes. 

Olivia shook her head in disbelief as she let out a laugh before she kept on running. 


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