67. Blank Page

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The next day Olivia woke up to Max holding her in his arms. She felt right at home, she turned to him and cuddled up even closer. She knew what they had to do that day, and she knew it wouldn't be easy for him. Max yawned and Olivia caressed his cheek with her hand "Good morning love" she said as a smile appeared on her face. Max smiled, his eyes still closed "Morning beautiful" then he slowly started opening his eyes to look at Olivia. 

Olivia kissed him, slowly, and Max held on tighter to her waist and puller her closer, wanting more. She wrapped her arms around his neck as their kisses intensified, he grabbed her thigh and pulled her closer, placing her leg around him. Max had been loving the past week just him and Olivia, nobody else. Everyday he was more sure that he could see his entire life like this, that this was where he was supposed to be and who he was supposed to be with. He touched Olivia's waist underneath her shirt and pulled the t-shirt off. Olivia had started making a small collection of Max's t-shirts she would use all the time, now she had one for every day of the week. Max got on top of her and started kissing her neck, her chest, her thighs..

Afterwards Olivia laid on his chest, catching her breath, both of their cheeks flushed and their hearts racing. "I'm never gonna get tired of that" said Max with a deep sigh. 

"Amen" said Olivia with a smile. 


Olivia put on some jeans and one of Max's t-shirts, while Max also put on jeans and one of his own t-shirts. They were both ready for what was coming.

Max drove the McLaren to his apartment building and they dropped it off at the valet. 

"Let's get some coffee first" said Olivia as she pulled Max in the direction of the coffee shop next door. 

They got one coffee for Olivia, a tea for Max, and two croissants.  

When they were walking back to the lobby Charles was also arriving to his apartment. "Hey guys! What are you up to today?" he asked. 

"Charles!" said Liv with a smile while she tried to think of something "You know, we are just gonna be chilling today, staying in". Max nodded and he gave Olivia a grateful smile. 

"Oh we should hang together then, I didn't want to go out either" said Charles brightly as they all entered the elevator. "Maybe we could get some take out, play mario kart". 

Max and Olivia looked at each other "Uhm actually our idea of chilling was more of a 'couples' thing, just me and Olivia" explained Max. 

"But you guys are together every day. Every day is a 'couples thing' just you and Liv" chuckled Charles. 

Liv rolled her eyes without Charles noticing, she didn't know what else to say for him to get the hint "We are gonna have sex Charles, all day, that's what we are doing today" she shrugged with a tight lipped smile. 

Charles' eyes went wide "Geez okay, oh alright then. I can see why you need the coffee" the elevator doors opened on Charles' floor "Well maybe we can do something tomorrow then" he added. 

"Tomorrow works perfectly, we should be well rested by the afternoon" said Liv with a pleasant smile. She could see on the corner of her eye how Max covered his mouth trying not to laugh. As soon as the doors closed he burst out laughing, Olivia laughed too. 

"I cannot believe you just said that to Charles" he said as he held on the railings of the elevator "You looked so serious about it too".

This made Olivia laugh more "Poor Charles he looked so shocked".

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