38. Vegas Baby

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The next morning Olivia went downstairs to get a last breakfast with her family before they headed back to Mexico and she flew to Vegas with Ava and Pato. She saw Max talking to the receptionist at the lobby.

"Hey, are you leaving?" she asked.

"No actually, I thought I would stay a few more days, enjoy the sun.. stay away from Ashley a little bit longer" he nodded.

Olivia tried suppressing a smile "Well, that sounds like fun" she said.

"Yeah she keeps trying to move into my apartment, I'm afraid I'll be back and everything will be pink and flowery" he joked, Olivia let out a little laugh. Max noticed she was still wearing the sun necklace and his stomach did a little cartwheel.

"I'm glad you liked the necklace" he said pointing at it.

"I love it, it's truly something special" she said looking down to the necklace and holding it with her hand.

Max had to snap himself out of it "So, are you excited for Las Vegas?" he asked.

"I think terrified would be a more accurate description" she said with a little laugh "I haven't seen my friends since I left New York and usually in a trip like this they really go all out".

"I'm sure it will be fun" said Max reassuringly, then he got closer to her and whispered in her ear "just don't let them drive" he said as he started walking over to the elevator.

"See you in Barcelona" called out Olivia.

"Hey Max, want to get some breakfast with us?" said Pato coming out of the restaurant to look for Liv.

Max saw Pato and felt his blood boil. He hadn't talked to him since he had found about about what happened between him and Olivia. He couldn't believe Pato had the guts to do what he did and then be here with Olivia's family trying to win her back.

The amicability Max used to show towards Pato was gone, his response was cold and void "No, I'll just have room service". he said as he pressed the button to the elevator, the doors opened and he immediately got in.

"Take care in Vegas Olivia" he called out to her from the elevator as the doors closed. Olivia gave him a small smile and then turned to Pato who was looking a bit confused.

"Is he okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess he's just not a morning person" she shrugged and walked over to the restaurant.

After her last breakfast with her family she felt really bummed. "You guys don't want to join us in Vegas?" asked Liv hopefully.

Checo laughed "I don't think so Liv, but we'll see you back in Puerto Vallarta before we go to Spain" said Checo. Olivia was coming back to México for a couple of days before they flew together to Barcelona for the next race. Liv hugged Carola and Checo, then she hugged her nephew and niece really tight before messing with their hair. They left right after breakfast, Olivia still went upstairs where she watched a bit of TV before getting her bags at noon and going to the lobby to meet Pato. As she was turning in her key at the reception, the receptionist said:

"Miss Perez, we actually have something here for you" he said as he looked around underneath the desk, he grabbed a really tall white bag with a bow on it. Olivia looked at it intrigued. There was a card attached to it, she grabbed it, the card said "This is yours. -M.V.".

Olivia opened the bag, inside was the silver Miami trophy for 1st place and right under Max's number and name there was an extra engraving that said "For Olivia". Olivia felt like she was about to cry, she didn't know Max was actually going to dedicate and gift her the trophy. Max had managed to make her feel truly special her entire birthday, without even trying.

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